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8 Ways AI Will Change the Future of Marketing in 2023
When AI is used in marketing, it will boost lead generation, SEO, content creation & distribution and many other functions. See how AI is transforming marketing

A quick guide on how to survive and communicate during a global crisis
Adriana Tica, an expert marketer, talks about the manner in which you should communicate with your customers in order to survive and thrive in a crisis.

Customer success — Let Engati help you ace the game
When you have the power of LIVE chat support for your chatbot, why would you want to leave a customer frustrated? Here’s how to ace the customer success game!

How to address the most complex customer queries in real-time
Imagine that you could answer the most complex customer queries in real-time, without forcing your customers to wait on hold. Here's how you make that happen!

5 powerful agent productivity hacks
Learn how to serve even more customers, while making your agent's lives easier. Explore our 5 best agent productivity hacks (with a bonus hack) right now!

Asia: Becoming a Powerhouse through AI Adoption
AI is taking the world, especially markets in Asia by storm. We're exploring AI and its many use cases in markets such as China, Japan, and India in this blog

Here are 6 ways to go customer-centric with AI
AI can help you give your customers what they actually want, if you use it right. Learn how to use it to make your organization more customer-centric.

8 benefits of using AI in cybersecurity
Cybersecurity: the ever-evolving tech. But what happens when we add some AI in the mix? Read this article to find out the pros and cons of AI in cybersecurity

🎮 AI in Gaming | 5 Innovations Changing The Future of Gaming
Wondering how AI is used in gaming? From NPCs to decision-making to cheating, even world-building, Game AI has a ton of uses. Learn what it's all about!

4 effective ways to improve accuracy in sales forecasting with AI
Inaccurate sales forecasts leave you with unachieved targets and extra inventory. Make that a thing of the past. Use AI to make your sales forecasting accurate!/


7 powerful ways in which AI is revolutionizing the telecom industry
Artificial Intelligence can even help telecom companies to avoid crashes and reduce downtime, giving their customers a smoother and seamless experience.

35 AI terms you need to know if you want to get into AI
The future of business is going to be heavily influenced by artificial intelligence. Here are 35 AI terms that you need to know to thrive in this new world.

4 ways AI is transforming the retail industry
AI helps retail businesses to look at the past behavioral patterns & make predictions about estimated demand, customer loyalty, & purchase probability.

3 wishes. The theory of Aladdin’s lamp in customer experience
Steven Van Belleghem dives into psychology to glean insights into behavior and help you understand your customers better to improve their experience. Read now.

Why customers don’t like phone calls… and what are the alternatives
A customer’s first choice is not to have a call with your service representatives. They're looking for speed and reliability, so what are our options?

AngularJS: Create reusable components using Custom Directives
Is your codebase stuffed with multiple lines of code that serve a similar purpose? Time to clean things up. Learn how to create reusable components in AngularJS

Another way to amaze your customers: pay attention
Customer experience expert, Shep Hyken, shares some brilliant insights and experiences on amazing your customers by paying attention to them. Read now.

3 applications of Generative Language Models
Large language models, like GPT-3, have stormed the NLP area in the last few years and have given us hope that we can solve some of the toughest problems.