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The world is now adapting to the new revolution with the invasion of blockchain in every sector. Today everything from art to real estate is now taking up the blockchain. Sport is not an exception. Following Basketball and Football, cricket also joined the NFT club. Cricket NFTs are coming out and are exciting all the 2.5 billion Cricket fans globally. At the same time, Play to earn NFT games getting popular among gamers. A Play to earn cricket NFT game- Meta cricket league is bringing the whole cricket fans and gaming community together under the web 3.0 technology.

Meta Cricket League

The world’s first ever play to earn Cricket NFT game got the world's attention by selling out its NFTs in Jump.trade NFT gaming Marketplace. The platform sold out 55,000 Cricket NFTs in just 9 minutes. These NFTs are Cricket players which are categorized as rookie, rare, epic, Legend, Ultra rare, super rare, and immortal. There were also collections of NFTs that were auctioned off, like the world cup 1983, 2003, and 2011 collections. 

The Beta test run went on with a practice session and a two-hour tournament. It was a closed community test run where the community was allowed to earn rewards for the tournament in terms of NFTs. this excited the community more and hyped them for the launch of the game. There was also a warmup league that helped the NFT holders to get familiar with the game. With two successful test runs, the game is expected to get out anytime soon.


NFT games are something that is shining in the gaming community right now. Cricket NFT game is something that is gaining popularity now. With metaverse coming up, the game will bring a lot of fun and rewards to the players.