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Before starting to focus on the process, we are going to discuss some key factors about WordPress here.

When it comes to CMSs (content management systems), then no one can ignore the popularity of WordPress. There are several reasons available that make WordPress one of the best sources for creating and maintaining a website.


  • You can use WordPress for free

  • It is an open-source platform

  • Availability of numerous themes

  • Themes for all types of websites

  • A big plugin library

  • Good for an eCommerce website as well (WooCommerce)

  • All types of tools available

  • Several widgets

  • Easy customization

  • Support all hosting platforms

  • WordPress is available with a big community for discussion and eliminating confusion

All these things are making WordPress special, popular, and different as compared to other CMS or similar kinds of platforms.


How To Use WordPress? – A Step By Step Tutorial

Step 1 – WordPress Installation

Before working on anything, you have to install WordPress on the hosting servers. The most important factor about this particular CMS is its low system requirements.

  • 5.0.15 version for MySQL or higher

  • 5.2.4 version for PHO or higher


When it comes to WordPress installation, then you have two different options, automatic and manual. The automatic methods can be easier for everyone where the users do not have to perform a single technical step. All they have to do is enable some settings and start the installation procedures.

Afterward, the data creation and all other procedures are completed by the system on their own. In the case of manual installation, things are going to be a little bit messy. Here, we are explaining the complete procedure for WordPress installation manually.

Step 2: WordPress Dashboard Navigation

After completing the WordPress installation on the hosting servers, you can access the WordPress dashboard of your website. For accessing, admin dashboard, you have to run the following URL:




Whenever you are going to run this particular URL, then it will redirect you to the WordPress admin login or dashboard page. The login credentials are created by an individual while installing it on the servers. When you log in to the dashboard, then you can see an interface with multiple elements such as:


Step 3: Content Publication


After understanding the website dashboard and its interface, you should start focusing on the content publication. In the beginning, you should pay attention to the creation of some new pages and posts. It provides some stuff by which you can easily customize the website’s appearance and get a great start as well.

How to create a new post?

For the creation of a new post, you have to access the Add New section by clicking on the Post option available in the main navigation menu. You also have a quick access option via the toolbar.


Secondly, you should work on the content body. While working on the body, you have to focus on several factors like – the addition of heading tags, and much more. You can easily use the WordPress text editor. On the screen, you can also see some major features or publication settings.


Here, you are able to decide, you want to publish the content immediately or schedule it for future dates. In case you don’t like the content, then you can send it to the trash by choosing the MOVE TO TRASH option.


Step 4: Plugin Installation

All individuals are interested in creating a fully-featured and functional website. Now the question appears, how it can be possible with WordPress without using any coding. All these things can be possible with the help of WordPress’s plugin system. You can see a big plugin library in WordPress.

Here, you can find multiple plugins for adding different types of functionalities and features to your website. These plugins are useful in making things simpler as well. You can find both types of plugins in the library.

  • Free

  • Paid

Some plugins are having both free and paid versions. You can find multiple free plugins in WordPress by which you can fulfill the requirements quickly. In case you are interested in using some advanced features, then you should try to get help from the premium or paid ones.

  • SEO Plugins like Yoast

  • Google XML Sitemaps

  • Contact Form 7

These are some basic plugins that every website needs. For the installation, you have to visit the Plugin tab. There you can find the ADD NEW option and you should click on it. Now, you need to search for the plugin in the library as per your requirements. You will get lots of options now. You should choose the best one by focusing on the following factors.

  • Total number of installations

  • Reviews

  • Ratings

It can help you in understanding how efficient a plugin is. After it, you should click on the install button of the plugin you choose and wait for a while. When the installation process is finished, then you can see the ACTIVATE button. Now you have to click on it and the plugin starts working on your website.

Step 5: Theme Installation

All individuals are having some specific dreams when it comes to the appearance of the website. By choosing the perfect theme, you can make such a dream true quickly. Here, you should focus on lots of things like – your industry, use of the website, motive of website, and much more. All these things can help you in figuring out what kind of theme you actually want.



For finding and applying a theme, you have to click on the APPEARANCE option available in the main navigation menu. In the APPEARANCE section, you can see the option of THEMES and click on it.

Step 6: WordPress Security

After all these things, you have to pay close attention to WordPress security. All we introduced to the current condition of the online world, there are multiple cybercriminals working out the line and targeting multiple online sources for stealing the complete information quickly.


For preventing cyberattacks and keeping yourself 100% secure, you have to focus on some WordPress safety measures. Mainly these specific safety measures are –

  • You have to keep WordPress updated always. Mainly the updates are designed with the addition of some new and exciting features. Along with it, WordPress also eliminates several bugs from the system and makes things much better in the terms of security.

  • When it comes to log in to the WordPress admin dashboard, then username and password are going to be the key. You should try to set up a unique username and password that cannot be cracked by anyone easily. Along with it, you should not share such important credentials with anyone as well.

  • For avoiding accidental losses, you should set up a proper WordPress backing up the system by which you can create a website’s backup periodically with ease.


All these things can help you in working with proper safety.

Final Words

It is the complete WordPress tutorial that can help you in understanding lots of things with ease. In case you are having any doubts or do not understand something, then you can contact WordPress developers.


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