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Are you under the impression that searching for garage door repair near me will only display genuine local providers? Think again. Let me shed some light on why that's not always the case.

Did you know that the garage door business is teeming with fraudsters? This unfortunate reality has led to several garage door company owners being incarcerated and even blacklisted from major search engines like Google. It's a pervasive issue that has garnered attention in various trade publications.

Google Local Services is a platform where companies are listed on Google. While there's a verification process to be listed here, it's disheartening to note that some deceptive companies have managed to circumvent this verification process.

With the introduction of Google Local Services, Google AdWords has taken somewhat of a backseat. However, when you search for “garage door service in my area,” these garage door repair businesses often appear at the top of the search results. The catch? There's fierce competition among these businesses, sometimes leading to bidding wars where the cost per click on their websites can soar up to $150. Moreover, only a fraction of those who click on these ads actually end up making a call. Imagine shelling out $300 to $600 for just a call! To make it financially viable for them to respond, they may need to charge at least $1,000 or more. The main issue with Google AdWords for both garage door repair businesses and consumers is that people in urgent need, often overlooking local businesses with solid recommendations, opt for this option. In such situations, getting someone to their doorstep promptly becomes the priority.

One can easily identify the Google Local Services section as it lists garage door repair companies that have supposedly undergone a verification process. However, even this verification process can be manipulated by unscrupulous businesses. To spot a genuine local garage door repair company, look out for names that don't seem overly spammy. If the name reads something like “garage door repair” or “garage door spring repair near me,” steer clear as they're likely spam.

While scrolling through search results, you might come across organic listings for national companies. Although they may rank higher, they often provide reliable results, especially when local options are limited.

Before choosing a garage door repair service, it's crucial to conduct thorough research. Check reviews across multiple platforms to ensure you're making the right decision.

If you're in Pittsburgh, PA, or the surrounding areas and need assistance with your garage doors, rest assured that A1 Garage Door has experienced and skilled technicians available for same-day repairs on all brands, styles, and configurations.


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