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If you visit an online store, and add some items to the cart but do not complete the purchasing process, you are among the 70% of people who abandon shopping carts. If you run an online store and see that there is reasonable traffic on the website, people are adding items to the carts but sales do not increase, this situation is always worrisome.

Table of Contents

  1. What is an abandoned cart email?
  2. Why should you send abandoned cart emails?
  3. Abandoned cart email best practices
    • Design a catchy subject line
    • Personalize your email
    • Write a brief summary of the item
    • Give some discount
    • Send abandoned cart emails at the right time
  4. Conclusion

What to do now? Every problem has a solution. All you need is to re-engage the users to boost sales. For that reason, you need to send abandoned cart emails to re-target the 2/3rd audience. With the right email marketing strategy, you can improve your sales and stand out in the market.

Many users use this process but some do not bother. You have to be always active to see what is going on your website and what the visitors are selecting and finalizing the deal, if not, ask them to proceed.

In this article, we shall discuss abandoned cart emails and how to send them to win back your customers.

What Is an Abandoned Cart Email?

An abandoned cart email is an email that is sent as a follow-up to the users who just visited your online store, and added item(s) to the cart but didn’t make the purchase. According to the stats available on Google, 7 out of 10 visitors do not finalize the purchase and checkout process.

What is an abandoned cart email? | Mumara

Recovering some of these 70% has all the potential to change your business dynamics. The good thing is that you can use an email marketing automation tool that will automatically send abandoned cart emails based on some action. The reason behind sending abandoned cart emails is that it helps your boost the open rate up to 21% which leads to conversion.

Why Should You Send Abandoned Cart Emails?

If you come up with an abandoned cart email strategy, it will help your business to make progress straight away. According to another study conducted by Barilliance, the open rate of these emails increased by 43.3% since 2016.

These are the huge figures that validate the importance of abandoned cart emails. Sometimes, users visit different online stores to choose the items and add them to the cart, but most of the time, they forget what they have selected. Sending a reminder email will improve mutual trust and they will recall they are missing something.

Abandoned Cart Email Best Practices

When we talk about email marketing strategy, it does not revolve around a single way. You have to plan in a way so that users come closer to your brand and ultimately make a purchase. Do not focus on why users have left the items in the cart, focus on the point they must make a purchase.

Here are some of the best practices to compel the users to lock the deal.

Design a Catchy Subject Line

The first thing that a user sees in your email is the subject line. The subject line tells what the email is about. If you grab the attention at that point and compelled the users to open it up, you are halfway done.

catchy email subject lines | Mumara

Users decide about opening up the email or not purely on the basis of the email subject line. You must design it to tell the users that they are missing something very serious in the cart. See the below-mentioned subject line:

“Lemme magically transport you back to your cart. Free of charge.” This is an excellent example of telling briefly that the recipient has left something in the cart and he will be taken back to it if he opens up the email.

Personalize Your Email

Email personalization is nothing new in the market. It is now the talk of the town. You can achieve this goal by telling the users that you know about them. Use an email automation tool such as Mailchimp, Mumara, or Sendinblue. It will help you create a personalized email marketing campaign.

For example, you are sending an abandoned cart email to a user by saying “Hey There!” or “Hi Sam.” Both ways have different perspectives. Among both, the latter one tells that the sender knows about you and he has some real information about the items you left in the cart.

email personalization | Mumara

Personalization doesn’t mean adding the name of the recipient in the email only. Rather, you have to set a friendly tone of the email and add the details of the items to show what he is missing out.

Write a Brief Summary of the Item

Writing a brief summary of the item will compel the user to take a decision. Showing the item again will increase the curiosity in the recipient to go back to the online store.

Tell him that he has added some items to the cart and that now is the time to finalize it by making the purchase.

Give Some Discount

Add a discount coupon in the email if the discount is really available for everyone. Here you need to understand that giving too many discounts is not a good idea. There are basic two reasons for that.

Discount offers in abandoned cart emails | Mumara

On one hand, it decreases the overall profit margin on your product. On the other hand, it will make the users habitual of putting the items in the cart and waiting for the discounts.

Send the Abandoned Cart Emails at the Right Time

Sending an abandoned cart email with a reasonable delay is a bad idea. According to the experts, you need to send it within one or two hours. If you delay it for too long, it will not make any difference.

For example, if a person adds a jacket to a cart in winter and you are sending the email in summer, it will be ridiculous.


To conclude, we can say that, sending an abandoned cart email is a good to re-engage the users who have to forget to make the final purchase.

Once you have decided to send these emails as a reminder, you will need an email automation tool that will do the job for you. We suggest you start doing it now to catch more sales.


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