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Abirapro 250 mg Tablet

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Abirapro 250 mg Tablet is a prescription medication that is used to treat advanced prostate cancer. It’s important to understand how this Drug works and its possible side effects before starting treatment. Here, we'll explain what Abirapro is, how it works, its common side effects, and tips for taking it safely.

What Is Abirapro 250 mg Tablet?

Abirapro (abiraterone) is the generic form of the brand-name drug Zytiga. It’s an anti-androgen hormone therapy that’s a type of drug called a steroidal cytochrome P450 17A1 (CYP17A1) inhibitor. It works by lowering testosterone levels in your body so cancer cells can’t grow.

How Does Abirapro Work?

Abirapro blocks the enzyme CYP17A1 which helps produce testosterone in the body. When this enzyme is blocked, testosterone levels drop and cancer cells are unable to grow properly or spread throughout the body. Lowering testosterone also reduces symptoms such as pain due to metastatic tumors or enlargement of the bones caused by bone metastases.

What Are The Common Side Effects Of Abirapro?

The most common side effects associated with abiraterone include nausea, diarrhea, fatigue and swelling of ankles or feet (lower extremity edema). Other less common side effects include headache, muscle pain and cramps, decreased appetite and electrolyte disturbances such as elevated potassium or sodium levels in the blood. Severe but rare allergic reactions may also occur while taking Abirapro including rash or swallowing difficulty; if you experience these symptoms contact your healthcare provider right away.

Tips For Taking Abirapro Safely

It's important to follow your healthcare provider's instructions when taking abiraterone tablets; never change your dose without first consulting with them or exceeding their recommended dose will increase your risk of experiencing unpleasant side effects or even dangerous complications from taking this medication. You should also avoid eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while using this medication because it may interfere with how well Abirapro 250 mg works in your body and not work as intended due to drug interactions involving this citrus fruit. Additionally, you should always inform any doctor treating you about being on abiraterone tablets so that they can adjust any medications they prescribe accordingly to prevent any negative drug interactions from occurring between those medicines and abiatorine tablets which could lead to serious medical problems including death if left unchecked by medical supervision.



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