1. Health

About Donecept-10 Tablet 10’s

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About Donecept-10 Tablet 10's

Donecept-10 Tablet 10's belongs to the group of medicines called ‘anti-Alzheimer's drug', primarily indicated in the treatment of dementia of the Alzheimer’s disease. In Alzheimer's disease, the brain cells degenerate and die, which causes a gradual decline in behavioural and social skills and thinking ability (dementia), which affects a person's ability to function independently. The signs include confusion, increasing memory loss, and behavioural changes.

Donecept-10 Tablet 10's contains Donepezil that falls in the category of drugs called acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. This drug increases the levels of a substance (acetylcholine) in the brain, which is involved in improving memory functioning by slowing down the breakdown of acetylcholine (a substance that allows nerves to communicate and important for normal brain functioning).

Uses of Donecept-10 Tablet 10's

Alzheimer's disease

Medicinal Benefits

Donecept-10 Tablet 10's belongs to the category of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, prescribed for treating the symptoms of dementia in persons having mild and moderately severe Alzheimer's disease. Donecept-10 Tablet 10's works by helping the nerve cells communicate with each other by increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain. It stops the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain, which is an important substance that is responsible for nerve communication. By doing so it helps a person to live a normal life.

Directions for Use

Take Donecept-10 Tablet 10's with or without food as advised by a doctor. Swallow it as a whole with a glass of water. Do not crush, chew or break it.

Side Effects of Donecept-10 Tablet 10's


Loss of appetite

Muscle cramps


Trouble in sleeping


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