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Easi Bideti is a online retailer. Easi Bideti supplies portable travel bidetsthat can be used to clean private areas such as the penis, ballsack, vagina, and the anus. Portable bidets are suitable for those travelling, who have no access to water to clean themselves.
There are a variety of people that benefit from portable bidets. For example, women on periods can benefit form bidets, which are softer and gentler than toilet paper if they are sensitive. People living with digestive issues such as hemorrhoids can also benefit. Muslims often use bidets as part of cleaning rituals.
Compared to toilet paper or wet wipes which can often contain sensitive chemicals or can be rough for those with sensitive areas, portable bidets are a suitable option.
Diarrhea & hemorrhoids
Constant rubbing with toilet paper can cause severe irritation of the skin of the anus. Bidets can help to wash away left over waste and reduce irritation from toilet paper.
Pregnancy and postpartum
A bidet can be very suitable for pregnant women, especially postpartum where mobility is decreased.


About Us – Portable Bidet For Travel



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