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One of the defining traits of masterbatches is their versatility which allows them to be used in almost every application we can think of. The additives and compounds impart specific physical and chemical properties in the masterbatch that can be controlled by users to a great extent. This helps the users in creating products that are tailored according to their requirements. The plastic industry in particular relies on these components to ensure the final products inherit the required properties such as processability, hardness, flexibility, UV resistance, corrosion resistance, fire retardancy, and so forth.

India is on the path to becoming a leading manufacturing hub of the world giving stiff competition to China. This means increased demand for various resources and input materials across industries for a wide variety of requirements. Plastic/polymer-based products are an integral part of most man-made devices we can see around us. Each plastic component's properties are dependent on the end-users requirement. Whether it’s a car, airplane, computer, home appliance, or industrial equipment; each of these products is either made of plastic or has plastic components in it. So, how is it that one particular component comes in so many varieties according to the final product? All of this is achieved by mixing various additives and compounds into the polymer during production. Blend Colours comes with a long and proud history of setting new benchmarks and delivering top-notch solutions for its clients. Incorporated by a group of visionaries, our goal is to create a path for the industry that fosters innovation and sustainability. As an ISO 9001:2015 compliant company, we work tirelessly to ensure we adhere to strict quality regulations which also leave room for future adjustments. Our simple and customer-centric approach has also been recognized by many bodies such as the government-sponsored One Star Export House, Economic Time Award, Plexconcil Award, Two Star Export House, Gaurav SME Award, and IPSA 2019 among others.

Blend Colours is uniquely positioned to leverage its capabilities owing to its years of experience while keeping an eye on the future and developing innovative ways to usher the industry into the future.