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Are you tired of having to visit different websites just to catch up on your team's latest news? Imagine if all the updates and stories from SharePoint could land directly in your Outlook inbox.

No more jumping between tabs or forgetting to check for new posts!

Good news: Microsoft is making it easier than ever before to stay in the loop. With advanced features rolling out for SharePoint news delivery, emails are about to become a lot more informative.

Our guide dives into these improvements that promise a smoother flow of information right where you need it most – your email.

Get ready to transform how you receive and digest important content with just a few clicks. Keep reading, as we're about to make staying updated as effortless as checking your mail!

SharePoint News for Email Templates: A New Advance

SharePoint now allows users to create and customize news posts for email delivery, making it easier to reach a wider audience directly in their Outlook inboxes. This new feature streamlines the process of creating and sending out news updates to keep everyone informed and engaged. Additionally, if you're looking to save Outlook emails to SharePoint, you can seamlessly integrate these platforms to enhance collaboration and document management within your organization.

Creating News for Email

Authors can now turn their SharePoint News posts into email distributions for people's inboxes. This makes it easy to share updates with a group, no matter which email client they use.

The process is simple with the user-friendly SharePoint editor. It merges good looks and smart design to make news posts that look great in an email.

To start, you choose a news post you've already made or create a new one. Then, with just a few clicks, you send it straight to your team's Outlook or other mail clients. Your message lands right where they'll see it – alongside their daily emails.

Next up we explore how these emails can be decked out to catch everyone's eye.

Customizing News Post Templates

Users can make each news post special by tweaking templates in SharePoint. They pick from six easy templates to start. Then, they add pictures, icons, and paragraphs to make their email stand out.

Changing colors and layouts is simple with a few clicks of the mouse. This keeps readers interested and helps share important updates in a nice way.

Creators enjoy using the friendly editor in SharePoint to design emails that look great both on the web and in Outlook inboxes. With these tools, making an email view that matches your message is quick.

Plus, no need to know complex codes or designs—all it takes is dragging web parts around until everything looks just right!

SharePoint News Delivery to Outlook: How it Works

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SharePoint News Delivery to Outlook involves automatically sending news post digests to users' inboxes and determining relevant news for each user based on their interests and site permissions.

This new advance makes it easier for users to stay updated on important information directly from their Outlook accounts.

Automatically Sending News Post Digests

SharePoint makes it easy to send news digests to Outlook inboxes. News authors set up everything once, and SharePoint does the rest. It picks important news posts and puts them into an email.

Then it sends this email to all the right people in your company.

You can choose when SharePoint sends out these emails with news digests. This means you can make sure people see the latest updates at a good time, like at the beginning of their work week.

They get a nice-looking email with all the news they need to know right inside Outlook.

Determining Relevant News and Scheduling Delivery

To determine relevant news and schedule delivery, SharePoint offers audience targeting and scheduling features. Authors can select specific audiences for their news posts by using targeted release customers or organization impact.

This ensures that the right people receive the relevant information at the right time. Moreover, with preparation steps in place, authors can schedule the delivery of news posts to match their audience's availability and engagement patterns, optimizing visibility and impact.

Furthermore, analytics tools provide insights into email views and feedback mechanisms. This helps authors understand how recipients interact with the content, allowing them to adjust their strategies accordingly for maximum engagement.

Enhancements in SharePoint News in Outlook

SharePoint has introduced new emailable news templates, allowing for easier sharing and distribution of important updates. Additionally, users can now access analytics for SharePoint News in Outlook, providing valuable insights into the reach and impact of their news posts.

New Emailable News Templates

Six new visually appealing email templates have been introduced to convert SharePoint News posts into email distributions for inboxes. With this advancement, authors can now create and customize emails easily with the available templates.

These templates offer a seamless way to integrate SharePoint News with Outlook, allowing authors to directly preview and send complete news posts as emails. This enhancement provides a user-friendly experience for both authors and recipients, ensuring that important news reaches the right audience effectively.

The rollout of these new emailable news templates is part of the latest integration between SharePoint and Outlook, commencing in late August 2023. This integration, specifically designed for seamless SharePoint to Outlook integration, aims to streamline the process of sharing important updates and information from SharePoint directly to users' inboxes while maintaining visual appeal and engagement.

Analytics for SharePoint News in Outlook

SharePoint's integration with Outlook now provides comprehensive analytics for news posts sent via email. This advancement enables authors to track the performance of their content directly within both platforms, offering a unified view of page reads.

By consolidating total page reads into a single engagement metric, authors gain valuable insights into the impact and reach of their news posts across Outlook and SharePoint.

With this new feature, authors can observe how their emailed news posts resonate with readers, empowering them to refine their content strategy based on real-time data. This seamless merge between form and function puts the power of analytics at the forefront of content creation, allowing authors to optimize their outreach efforts effectively.

Exploring SharePoint's Latest Features for Outlook Users

SharePoint's latest features for Outlook users offer six new emailable news templates, streamlining the process of creating visually appealing emails. Integration with Outlook allows authors to preview and directly send complete news posts as emails to readers' inboxes.

Additionally, analytics for SharePoint News in Outlook provides insight into post performance and reader engagement, contributing to more effective communication strategies tailored to audience interests.

Rollout of the new integration is set to be completed by early September 2023 for targeted release and mid-September 2023 for standard release, ensuring a seamless experience for users.

SharePoint's latest features enhance email template creation and delivery processes for authors while providing valuable post analytics within Outlook. The rollout schedule ensures timely accessibility across targeted and standard releases, aligning with user needs efficiently.


In conclusion, the recent advancements in SharePoint News delivery to Outlook inboxes provide a seamless and efficient way to distribute news content. Authors can now easily create and customize visually appealing email templates within the familiar SharePoint environment.

This integration offers practicality and ease of use, saving time for both authors and readers. The impact is significant as it ensures a consistent user experience and consolidates page analytics for better insights.

For further guidance, authors can explore additional resources to enhance their understanding of this latest feature. Embracing these changes will undoubtedly lead to improved communication and engagement with the audience.

To dive deeper into how these enhancements can revolutionize your team's communication, explore our detailed guide on Exploring SharePoint's Latest Features for Outlook Users.