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It is crispy winter weather outside and the arrival of spring may feel far away, but the production of BioAgri agricultural films continues all year round!

BioAgri is certified as biodegradable in soil and due to its biodegradability the film residues can simply be ploughed into the soil at the end of the crop cycle, and it will break down to water, carbon dioxide and humus/biomass.

BioAgri is an effective alternative to traditional plastic and can be installed with the same equipment used for a conventional field film.

BioBag World provides some advantages of BioAgri mulch film:

  • Increases the soil temperature and long-term nutritious soil
  • Speed up the germination and cultivation cycles
  • Cost and labour efficient
  • Reduce water consumption
  • Eliminate or reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides
  • Keep fertilizers and nutrients closer to the plant
  • Prevent fruits & vegetables from direct contact with the soil
  • No accumulation of micro plastic in the field
  • GMO-free
  • OK biodegradable SOIL certified