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Advantages of HTML5

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HTML 5 is an update to the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the standard programming language used to describe the content and appearance of Web pages. HTML5 was created in order to address compatibility issues with the current standard, HTML4.

HTML5 promotes Accessibility

Because of semantic tags and ARIA, HTML5 makes it easier to create accessible websites. The new headings make it easier for screen readers to access content. Semantic tags make it easier to inspect HTML documents and provide a better overall experience for users who can work with them.

HTML5 provides support for both Video and Audio

One of the many benefits of HTML5 is that you can now say goodbye to Flash Player and other types of third-party players. Your videos and audio clips do not require any additional support and will play natively in any browser. You won't have to worry about getting media to play because the tags for audio and video treat them as if they were images. Other parameters (height, autoplay, and so on) are also simple to define.

HTML5 eliminates the need for Cut and Paste with the doctype

That's right, you can finally say good-by to endless lines of unreadable code and jumbled head tags stuffed with your doctype attributes. It's delightfully simple, and it works in all browsers dating back to IE6.

HTML5 presents cleaner – and therefore more attractive – Code

If you like clean code, you'll like HTML5. It allows you to write clear, descriptive code with a high level of semantic clarity. You can easily separate meaning from content and style.

Persistent Local Storage

HTML5 has a cool local storage feature that's a hybrid of cookies and client-side databases. It enables storage across multiple windows while also providing improved security and performance, as well as the assurance that your data will remain even after the browser is closed. There's no need to be concerned about users deleting cookies because it's a client-side database that's been adopted by the majority of browsers. Furthermore, with this new local storage, you can create web apps without the use of third-party plugins.

HTML5 allows for Improved Interactions

Who doesn't want better interactions? Everyone wants increasingly dynamic websites that can respond to users and allow them to enjoy and interact with as much of your content as possible (as opposed to just simply looking or viewing it). This is where you'll appreciate , an HTML5 drawing tag that allows you to work on more interactive and animated elements that are supported natively in the browser rather than needing to run a plugin like Flash.

HTML5 also allows for Game Development

When you want to focus your attention and efforts on game development while taking a break from building sites, you don't have to switch to another platform. The same tag enables the creation of mobile-friendly fun and interactive games.

HTML5 provides support for Legacy and Cross Browsers

HTML5 is supported by all of the most recent and popular browsers, including Safari, Chrome, and Opera. As previously stated, it is compatible with browsers as old as IE6. All older browsers need to do is add JavaScript HTML5shiv to use the new tags.

HTML5 is right up there with Mobile Technology

This is one of HTML5's main advantages. Mobile has recently surpassed desktop as the most popular way to access the internet, and markup that isn't designed for mobile will struggle. Mobile adoption is accelerating, and the growing number of mobile browser users will value websites or applications that are as mobile-friendly as possible.

If you want to learn about html in a deep way, like sometimes little things are forgotten from your minds, then you should try HTML MCQ because tests improve your memory.



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