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Do you want to go rock climbing or trekking? Wearing the perfect shoe can be a huge factor in making or breaking the day. Without appropriate shoes, you might not be able to enjoy it to the fullest. Let your adventurous side be unbridled when in Toronto. Try out the adventure activities. Toronto is one of the most populous cities in Canada. It has a blend of urban areas and natural wilderness. The locals and tourists both seek adventure. Search and book a cheap flight to Toronto to get going. Let your inner child unleash. Find the excitement it craves in the perfect shoes. Read along to choose the best one for you.


Go hiking in sneakers-

Whether you want to hike in Scarborough Bluffs Park or the Rouge National Urban Park, you may wear sneakers for comfort. However, they make you feel sore if the hike covers a long distance. For a longer hike, go for hiking shoes that are specifically made for walking long distances. They come with higher ankles and stiffer outers, protecting against injuries. 


Flip-flops and flats are excellent for the beach-

Planning to go to the beach to go surfing. You can wear your flip-flops or flats on the shore for an easy walk. It can be easily removed as you get ready to hop on your surfboard.


All-purpose boots for rock climbing-

Want to experience the adrenaline rush? Go rock climbing in boots designed for it to get extra grip and comfort. Without these, your feet may not want to make it to the summit!


Treetop trekking in trekking shoes-

Trekking shoes are durable and offer enough support. Your feet will thank you when you go tree-top trekking. Whether you choose the 1000 Islands Treetop Trekking or Boler Mountain Treetop Adventure Park, avoid wearing open footwear as it can slip out of your feet at times. It is not ideal, to say the least!

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A comfortable closed-toe shoe for ziplining-

You will be suspended in the air while ziplining. Also, it may involve you hiking through an uneven trail or crossing bridges to reach the spot.  Thus, a closed-toe athletic shoe is considered ideal for this.


Get the water shoes wet while rafting-

To go white water rafting, the best shoes are water shoes, or you may wear water sandals. These dry up quickly and protect the feet. Also, it provides excellent traction on wet and slippery surfaces. 

Completely immerse yourself in the fun and excitement. With this list, you will be ready to enjoy the adventure that awaits you. For extra style, you may wear wedges that are usually more comfortable in comparison to other heels. In case you are looking for offers on flight tickets, subscribe to get email alerts from airlines through the official websites. Also, book the adventure activity tickets well in advance before the slots fill up. Always remember going the distance with the perfect shoes is effortless.


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