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Alex Levesque – A helping hand

For this everyday hero, Alex LeVesque, owner of AMG – Automotive Mentoring Group, is helping teenagers, one corner at a time. Alex is passionate about mentoring gang members. Alex Levesque doesn’t know why God chose him for this job as a gang member mentor, but aren’t the children of his location in Chicago lucky to have such a caring person? Day after day, he drives the streets in its toughest neighborhood trying to find a youngster whose life he might change. Many of the children Alex Levesque mentors do not know who their father is nor have ever seen them. 

Helping teenagers to help stop the violence

Alex Levesque says that what he does is life-saving. Moreover, what he sees every day makes him angry or using his word “Mad”. In addition, he is mad about everything he sees going on in these neighborhoods.  Helping teenagers is giving them a choice other than killing one another over simple things such as shoelaces.

Alex Levesque – A helping hand

For this everyday hero, Alex LeVesque, owner of AMG – Automotive Mentoring Group, is helping teenagers, one corner at a time. Alex is passionate about mentoring gang members. Alex Levesque doesn’t know why God chose him for this job as a gang member mentor, but aren’t the children of his location in Chicago lucky to have such a caring person? Day after day, he drives the streets in its toughest neighborhood trying to find a youngster whose life he might change. Many of the children Alex Levesque mentors do not know who their father is nor have ever seen them. 

Helping teenagers to help stop the violence

Alex Levesque says that what he does is life-saving. Moreover, what he sees every day makes him angry or using his word “Mad”. In addition, he is mad about everything he sees going on in these neighborhoods.  Helping teenagers is giving them a choice other than killing one another over simple things such as shoelaces.