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All-on-4 Dental Implants: A Comprehensive Guide

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All-on-4 dental implants offer a revolutionary solution for permanently replacing multiple missing teeth or restoring entire arches. This advanced technique involves strategically placing 4 dental implants in the jaw to support a full hook of replacement teeth. Here is a detailed guide to how All-on-4 works.

Implant Placement: The all on 4 implants procedure starts with placing 4 dental implants into the jawbone. The implants are tilted at precise angles to maximize contact with the bone. Integrating with the bone provides stability and stimulation to prevent bone loss. The front 2 implants are placed vertically while the back implants are angled.

Immediate Teeth Attachment: In a single surgery, temporary replacement teeth can be secured onto the implants right after they are placed. Made of plastic resin, these temporary teeth allow you to leave the office with a restored smile.

Healing and Recovery: As you heal over the next few months, the bone will fuse securely to the implant surface through a process called osseointegration. Proper care and medication will help manage swelling and discomfort during recovery.

Impression and Bite Registration: After osseointegration is complete, your dentist will take impressions of your jaws and bite registration. This is used to create the master model for your final implant-supported teeth.

Custom Teeth Creation: A dental lab will fabricate your final implant denture based on the master model. Using top-grade materials like zirconia or porcelain, they will craft a strong, natural-looking restoration.

All on 4 implants offer many benefits over traditional dentures:

  • Immediate function and aesthetics with same-day temporary teeth
  • A permanent, non-removable restoration
  • Stability and strength for biting and chewing
  • Preservation of jawbone and facial features
  • Durability of implant-supported teeth

With just 4 strategically placed implants, all on 4 implants provides a streamlined approach to complete dental restoration. After healing, you’ll have a functional, beautiful smile for life.

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