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Whether in the US, Europe, Asia, or any other part of the world, instant messaging is now ubiquitous. As of now, WhatsApp is the most popular and fastest service in the world with over two billion users a month, however, it is still the bottom line in many marketing programs. Even today, we find leading marketers asking Facebook if WhatsApp is important to them.

Let’s explain why WhatsApp marketing is important these days and how it helps brands find more online customers. Whatsapp marketing is a form of messenger marketing, which means promoting a product via WhatsApp. This is a digital channel that helps brands reach a wider audience, build stronger relationships with customers and increase sales.

WhatsApp marketing started within the last one year, and it makes us wonder why a person should use WhatsApp marketing in their business. Sure, you can talk to a professional at your digital marketing center in London, but we'd love to clear your worries here as well.

There is no denying that WhatsApp is the most popular messenger app. Take this example; there are 340 million users on the platform alone in India and more than 100 million in Brazil. The forum is also a great choice for your audience in the US with over 68 million Americans accessing WhatsApp at least once a month.

Talk to your digital marketing company in London and see how WhatsApp marketing can help you stay in touch with your customers. More than half of the users in this forum check their messages at least once a day. Therefore, when you press your product message via WhatsApp, there is a good chance that your text messages will have an open rate of 98%.

Lastly, we would like to say that your customers would like to contact you through this forum. They expect the types of drop-outs to talk to them in a personal chat box – 53% of customers say they will buy from the company, reaching out to them via chatbox.

Aside from the many benefits of WhatsApp marketing like better sales, higher conversion rates, lower marketing costs, and more, it is a great digital way to communicate with your customers. Using such agents is a great opportunity to improve your marketing strategy. You will have the best results of using WhatsApp to grow your business.

You can come to us and find out more about our online marketing packages.

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