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Alumina ceramic foam filter for metal casting can prevent inclusion particles and impurities whose size is larger than the pore size of the filter surface.

Aluminum casting is a process of pouring molten aluminum into a mold and cooling it to form aluminum parts of the desired shape. The aluminum used for cast aluminum is called cast aluminum alloy.

Cast aluminum is a kind of pure aluminum or aluminum alloy ingot prepared according to the standard composition ratio, and then artificially heated to make it into the liquid or molten state of aluminum alloy, and then the aluminum alloy is poured through a professional molten aluminum or molten mold or corresponding process. The process of entering the cavity and cooling to form aluminum parts of the desired shape.

Inclusions and gases in the metal have a significant impact on the strength, corrosion resistance and stress corrosion cracking performance of the material. Effectively controlling the oxidized inclusions in the melt and improving the quality of cast rods and rolled plates have become a common goal pursued by the metallurgical, casting and material industries of all countries. At present, the purification method of alumina ceramic foam filter for metal casting is widely used to remove inclusions in aluminum alloy melt.

The alumina foam ceramic filter for metal is used to remove impurities and purify the aluminum alloy liquid. After filtration, the viscosity of the aluminum alloy liquid decreases, and the fluidity of the aluminum alloy liquid increases by 10%-15%. Therefore, filtration improves the filling capacity of the aluminum alloy liquid.

The flow of the aluminum alloy liquid before filtration is turbulent, and after filtration, it is laminar (the flow channel of the foam ceramic filter is twisted and turned), which reduces entrainment and secondary slagging.

As the CFF filter filtration progresses, the filter is sieved and the filter cake is transformed into deep bed filtration, and the purity of the aluminum alloy after filtration is getting higher and higher.