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Amber Jewellery & Meteorite Rings – What Are They And Why Do They Attract You?

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Amber is a naturally hardened tree resin consisting of compounds of terpenes, alcohols, and esters.

Trees did it to protect against disease and insect infestation when the bark of a tree opened due to the loss of a limb or attacks by forest beetles or for some other reason.

After seeping out, it fossilized in moist sediments, such as clay and sand, which formed at the bottom of lagoons or estuaries and remained in the dry land for millennia.

Baltic Amber

Baltic amber is formed from the hardened resin of the pine tree Pinus Succinifera. Baltic amber is considered the best variety of amber.

It occurs as irregularly rounded nodules, drops, grains, and stalactites weighing up to 200 g; a piece weighing more than 1 or 2 kg is rare; the largest recorded pieces are 10 and 20 kg .

Baltic amber is usually yellow, similar to honey, but can occur in several shades from light yellow to dark brown.

White, yellowish, or bony lumps are rare and reddish, bluish, and greenish lumps are extremely rare.

Some pieces of amber are transparent and shiny, while others are cloudy and opaque. Yellow charges electrically when exposed to friction. Burns with a bright flame and emits a pleasant piney odor.

Amber jewelry, despite its modern association with baby bracelets and necklaces, has been used for thousands of years, approximately 13,000 years.

Wearing amber jewelry can help with inflammatory pain

You probably already know about this benefit of amber jewelry, even if you don't realize it!

Amber necklaces and bracelets work because amber contains some sort of succinic acid; this succinic acid is in the oil that is secreted by the amber when it is applied to the skin.

And when the oil is absorbed into the skin, the succinic acid works in the body.

Succinic acid is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. In teething babies, it reduces gingivitis, which causes sore gums, which reduces the tenderness and pain associated with the tooth.

In adults, succinic acid can fight all kinds of pain caused by inflammation, including arthritis, muscle pain, etc.

If you regularly experience pain due to inflammation, regular use of amber jewelry including adult amber bracelets can help manage it more effectively.

Wearing amber jewelry can reduce anxiety

Another great benefit of amber jewelry is that it can help reduce anxiety, especially in adults. When worn into the body, it helps reduce stress, which can cause anxiety in many people.

It is especially helpful for anxiety when used regularly to give the succinic acid more time to build.

 It can be good for your skin

Amber jewelry can prevent skin dryness, reduce hyperpigmentation and activate protein production, which can lead to a more youthful appearance.

With this in mind, it should come as no surprise that succinic acid is found in many skin care products!

However, you don't – and shouldn't – rub amber jewelry on your face to use amber jewelry on your skin.

All you have to do is wear the jewelry as usual and the benefits will be seen when the acid is absorbed into the skin.

Meteorite Rings

Meteorite ring are just that – rings made from space debris. A rare and unique material, the meteorite is perfect for jewelry with an amazing out-of-this-world backstory.

While making jewelry from meteorites may seem like a new concept, people have been using this material to create rings and other jewelry for thousands of years.

Today, meteorites are still used in jewelry and watches. However, they are only now being recognized as a unique and elegant choice of wedding rings.

The natural pattern of each ring is at least slightly different, meaning that your ring is truly unique.

Meteorite rings are often chosen as wedding rings, but they can also be used as engagement rings.

Some models have diamonds as the center stone. Others feature a beautifully carved piece of the meteorite as a centerpiece.

Come To Jurassic Jewellery

Jurassic Jewellery is fortunate to be one of the UK’s fine online stores of meteorite jewelry.

Each product arrives beautifully packaged, with a data sheet and certificate of authenticity for each product.

So, if you're looking to give a gift that's older than this planet, this might be just what you're looking for.

We also offer the best Amber Jewellery that can match quality standards.

Amber Jewellery & Meteorite Rings – What Are They And Why Do They Attract You?