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American Indian Heritage Day: how to research my Native American Heritage

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American Indian Heritage Day is fast approaching – this great holiday will be celebrated all across the country on November 25th. Next year the date for the holiday will be different, though, as it is designated that the celebrations must take place a day after Thanksgiving. And it’s not an old holiday, either, at least definitely not as old as the history of American Indian tribes; it was first celebrated only in 1990. At the time, the idea of such a holiday was strongly supported by no fewer than 184 federally recognised tribes.

This day commemorates the first settlers of the Americas, honouring their rich culture and traditions. Each year, people celebrate their Native American ancestry by dressing up in traditional clothes (like headdresses or buckskin garments) and doing things like dancing around a campfire or making drums out of hollowed-out logs. They also hold special kinds of parties called pow wows – the word’s original meaning can be translated as “spiritual leader”. At a pow wow everyone gets together to listen to traditional music, enjoy such dances as “the intertribal ” or “the crow hop”, and exchange stories about their families or their lives as a member of a tribe.

If you think you may be part of this wonderful culture, but you’re not sure if you have Native American ancestry, read this article to see how you can confirm your beliefs and integrate yourself into the community. Also find out more on American Indian Heritage Day and How to find out if I have a Native American heritage?



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