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Lean, also referred to as purple drink and other names, is an illegal street drug drink, usually prepared by mixing prescription cough syrup with an extremely sweet soft drink and other hard candy. The concoction gained popularity in the urban hip hop community or those that live in the coastal United States. It was often sold as “mug” for the youth. It was first introduced into the United States through associates of the rapper Lil Kim.

The combination of a sweet drink, illegal drugs and a stimulant was a potent mixture. As more of these types of drug drinks were brought into the mainstream, more youths were becoming addicted and began abusing them. In fact, many teens and children have been reported to suffer from withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop their lean drink habit. As a result, law enforcement has become more alert to these drug-related crime and have been cracking down on distributors and suppliers.

While many parents believe that using a lean drink while a child is still young can be beneficial because it helps with their concentration and motor skills, this is not always the case. One of the most common side effects of using a this type of drink is death from dehydration and oxygen deprivation. Oxygen deprivation, which is typically associated with death from drowning, contributes greatly to anoxic brain diseases such as ischemia and hypoxemia, both of which are causes of death for many individuals who consume this type of illicit substances.

The euphoria that many young adults experience when they consume this type of beverage can also contribute to an increased risk of suicide. Many individuals who excessively abuse these substances do so because they feel so good; when they are not high, their brain shows signs of fatigue and they are extremely susceptible to depression. If you or someone you know is displaying warning signs of depression after consuming a single ounce of the illicit substance, you should seek professional help. Excessive euphoria can kill! Although it may be very tempting to consume a concentrated form of the euphoria-producing product, this can also lead to serious health problems.

Ingestion of products containing ethyl alcohol can also have deadly consequences. Some of the products that contain this chemical include diet sodas, energy drinks, cough syrups, energy drinks, fruit cordials, sweet teas, and even some flavored coffees. If an individual who is suffering from any of these illnesses was to take a single ounce of a concentrated, non-synthesized diet sodas or energy drinks, they could suffer severe breathing problems, seizures, chest pain, heart palpitations, vomiting, and diarrhea. If ingested in large amounts, even products such as cough syrup or menthol cigarettes can prove fatal. Again, if you or someone you know displays any of these warning signs, you should seek professional medical help.

If you or someone you know displays signs of overdose from a lean drink, you should seek emergency help. A number of individuals have died after ingesting a concentrated, non-synthesized version of this highly addictive substance. If an individual is displaying any of these behaviors after consuming a single ounce of a product which contains this chemical, you should contact a personal injury attorney immediately and demand compensation for your injuries.