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The fourth fundamental chakra according to Hindu Yogic, Shakta, and Buddhist Tantric traditions is called the anahata chakra. Anahata means “unstruck, unhurt, and unbeaten” in Sanskrit. The Vedic idea of unstruck sound, or the sound of the celestial realm, is referred to as anahata nad. Anahata is a symbol for equilibrium, tranquilly, and peace.

Near the heart, in the centre of the chest, is where you'll find the anahata chakra. It is symbolised by a lotus flower with twelve petals and the colour green. The anahata chakra's mantra is YAM, and air is its related element.

The characteristics of love, compassion, forgiving, and acceptance are connected to the anahata chakra. We can experience these qualities in our lives when the anahata chakra is in equilibrium. We have the capacity to forgive ourselves and others, accept ourselves and others for who we are, and love ourselves and others without conditions.

We could struggle in these areas if the anahata chakra is obstructed. It's possible for us to struggle with self-acceptance, forgiveness, and love for ourselves and others. Additionally, we could feel depressed, lonely, and alone.

The anahata chakra can be balanced in a variety of ways. Typical techniques include:

Yoga: Heart-centered yoga practises, such as chest stretches and heart openers, can assist to regulate the anahata chakra.

Meditation: Meditation can aid in opening and clearing the heart chakra.

Chanting a mantra: The anahata chakra can be balanced by reciting the mantra YAM.

Crystals: Crystals like rose quartz, green aventurine, and malachite, which are connected to the heart chakra, can be utilised to balance the chakra.

Aromatherapy: Rose oil, lavender oil, and chamomile oil are among the essential oils that can be used to balance the heart chakra.

There are numerous resources at your disposal to assist you if you're interested in balancing your anahata chakra. You can find books, articles, and websites that provide guidance on chakra balancing. Chakra balancing programmes and workshops are also available at yoga studios and meditation centres.


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