1. Business


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When plastic was manufactured on a large scale for commercial and industrial purposes, it took off far beyond anyone’s expectations. Easy production, low cost, and endless applications made it a favourite in every household and manufacturing industry across the globe. There is not one family in the globe that doesn’t own plastic-based utensils and home appliances. Such is the reach and functionality of plastic-based products. However, with time and increased usage, a few challenges came to light which could impact the environment and users negatively if not acted upon with utmost urgency. This is where antimicrobial masterbatches can help us overcome this challenge. An antimicrobial masterbatch is used to treat plastic and polymer so it can extend its life cycle and negate the growth of microbes. Here is how it helps:  


  • Minimises physical degradation: Plastic starts breaking down when microbes, bacteria, and mould grow on plastic. Antimicrobial masterbatch will inhibit this and minimise the degradation.
  • Stops odours and stains: In addition to the degradation of the plastic, microbes can cause stains and emit odours in the plastic. This makes the product unwieldy and undesirable.

With the ever-increasing need for plastic and polymer products in almost every conceivable application, it has become imperative to identify cases where the use of antimicrobial masterbatches is needed so we can effectively minimise the chances of microbial growth. We use plastic and plastic-based in all areas of our lives – from our homes to offices. Products that spend a good chunk of time in humid and wet environments are highly susceptible to the growth of bacteria, mould, and fungi. These microbes can end up growing where they are not supposed to such as in our plastic food containers. Incorporating antimicrobial masterbatch will benefit industries and users equally in the long run, in terms of sustainability, functionality, and business consideration.

With Blend Colours at the helm of things, you are assured of our unmatched expertise, commitment, and insight into the business that can bring about a world of change in the way we work and live. We offer our customers a wide-ranging portfolio of superiority-tested masterbatches for various applications. Quality and consistency in our offerings are our mantras; this is our guiding principle which drives our efforts and undertakings. In line with this thought, we have taken the time and effort to acquire multiple accreditations such as ISO 9001:2015, One Star Export House and Two Star Export House awards from the government of India among others. At Blend Colours, our secret to success is not just in offering quality products but also in providing a good customer experience to our stakeholders which will instil confidence in them and allows us to serve their needs for years to come.