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Treatment of body odor and acne: regular use of activated carbon under the arm can reduce irritating body odor. You can take two tablespoons of aloe gel and mix it with an activated carbon capsule. You can then apply this smooth mixture under your arm and wait for it to dry and rinse off. You can use exactly the same mixture on your face to treat acne.

Remove dirt and peel off the skin surface: if you suffer from blackhead, oily skin, bacterial infection and skin spots, you can consider using activated carbon mask. The mask provides antibacterial treatment and removes skin keratin by removing dirt, grease and other toxins from the skin surface.

Prevent premature aging of skin: in daily activities, our skin will be exposed to many unavoidable environmental toxins and dirt. These toxins play an important role in making our skin prone to premature aging. If we can take two capsules of carbon pellets after each meal, which contain heavy metals, high-fat food and high carbonation food, then we can control the problem of premature aging of skin.

Increase the whiteness of teeth: coffee and tea enthusiasts mostly complain that their teeth are stained and tea / coffee stains are difficult to remove, but embarrassing in front of others. In these cases, toothpaste containing charcoal may be very beneficial in removing and preventing discoloration and discoloration of teeth. Charcoal's ability to remineralize teeth is a great help for coffee, tea and carbonate drinks enthusiasts.

Treatment for insect bites and rashes: some of us have highly sensitive skin, which can cause irritation and eventually a rash even if the skin is rarely exposed to insects. In these cases, coal activated carbon pellets n can be used topically like an ointment and spread to the affected area to remove bacteria, toxins and bacteria. It will reduce irritation and provide a smooth feel.

Prepare organic cosmetics: you can now buy Beauty sponges rich in activated carbon. This kind of sponge will reduce the extra cost of cleaning agent, because the sponge itself contains activated carbon and can be used as detergent and exfoliator.