1. Business

Apply Demand Planning Software for Best Results 

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Efficient demand planning starts with choosing the best software. It is important to note that there are various terms that can often be mistakenly used interchangeably in conversation, yet have different meanings. For instance, demand planning software is entirely different from inventory management software. The latter is specially designed to track inventory levels and manage targets. Effectively planning your future demand requires accurate analysis of your historical data and precision-based prediction for improved efficiency and customer satisfaction. This article will mainly discuss the key characteristics and benefits of the best demand forecasting software. 

 Factors to keep in mind when choosing the best demand planning software

There is no place for mistakes and guesswork when it comes to demand planning. You can gain much by making an accurate demand forecast and developing a strong strategy based on it. It’s a complex process that includes the following: 

  • Data gathering and modeling to keep the demand in context 
  • Statistical forecasting based on your inventory handling, sales, and operations planning data 
  • Portfolio management of products 
  • Supply chain analysis by utilizing the best tools in the market  

  • Optimum integration with your sales force, manufacturing, suppliers, and other key stakeholders 

You will require the right software to predict the demand for your products or services. With this system connected to your business, planning your supply chain management will not be very difficult. A powerful single dashboard is all you need to combine business information, statistical analysis, and sales data. 

Here are a few benefits of demand forecasting software: 

  • Increased Productivity 

You can utilize robust data to pull out accurate demand for every season. This efficiency reduces the chance of sudden stockouts or overstocking and increases your overall productivity. 

  • Enhanced Efficiency 

With agile demand software, it will be easy to handle workflow and enhance efficiency. Every stage of your business will be standardized, and data will get refreshed automatically. 

  • Safety Stock Optimization 

Safety stock simply refers to the amount of stock you need to maintain in your inventory to avoid discrepancies like stockouts. Demand planning tools enable you to maintain just the right amount of stock to keep your business always future-ready. 

  • Product End-of-Life Planning  

Every business has best-selling products and slow-moving or underperforming products. You cannot just take the underselling products off-shelf all at once. Product end-of-life planning empowers you to strategically take your underperforming products off the market without hampering your high-performing products. 

  • Supply Chain Optimization  

Demand forecasting software assists with supply chain optimization by accurately planning future production and business revenue. This way, you can be prepared for unforeseen challenges and supply chain disruptions. Reliable solutions improve supply chain scheduling, making effective action plans and shipping easy. 

  • Cost Savings  

By maintaining just the right amount of inventory, you can save costs by avoiding purchasing unnecessary goods that take up inventory space. A demand planning solution enables you to control your shipping spend and helps you to avoid scenarios like overspending or exhausting your spending budget too early. 

Boost your demand planning process with Avercast  

Avercast, A TransImpact Company, provides the supply chain industry with the best demand planning software for accurate forecasting and improved cost savings. Our best-in-class software enables our clients to access end-to-end visibility into their supply chain to enhance their decision making process. With our years of experience in demand forecasting and inventory planning, we have helped our clients save big and spend effectively on their future planning. Accurate demand planning is an essential supply chain tool in this age of uncertainties. To understand more about our solutions, schedule a demo or talk to our experts. 


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