1. Pets

Are Cornish Rex Cats Hypoallergenic?

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Are Cornish Rex Cats Hypoallergenic? Tips for Allergic FamiliesMisinformation and fake news are very prevalent nowadays, especially on the internet. People will believe what they read without double-checking the source, which is concerning. One fake news spread online about the Corning Rex being hypoallergenic, which is not valid.

Other people believe this and decide to get a Cornish Rex because they think it is hypoallergenic. This claim might have been based on the shedding of this breed. It does not shed much. Allergies also do not develop based on a creature’s fur. They develop because of a specific protein in their skin, urine, and saliva.

Cornish Rex has a weird habit of licking themselves to groom. It is still possible for a person with allergies to get in contact with the cat’s saliva, which can activate allergic reactions. If you are persistent in getting a Cornish Rex, it is a good idea to try living with one for a few weeks and observe how your body can tolerate it considering your allergies. Set an appointment now with Veterinary Hospital Marietta GA.


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