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Most people find the discomfort associated with dental fillings to be minimal and easy to manage in the majority of cases, and most patients do not require any medication or pain treatment. At the same time, it is critical to understand when to seek assistance from your dentist.

A dental filling protects your teeth from future tooth decay and, ultimately, from tooth loss. It also shields you from future pain and anguish. If you have a toothache or sensitivity because your cavity is deep or close to the dental nerve, it will only become worse if you don't treat it.

In general, having your teeth fillings done sooner rather than later makes the pain more manageable. A deep cavity and filling treatment will most likely be more painful than treating a superficial cavity.

Do Dental Fillings Cause Pain?

Before beginning work, your dentist will apply a local anesthetic to the affected area. This is frequently given as an injection and ensures that your soft tissue is numb to the tough. Before beginning work, your dentist will ensure that you feel nothing but minor pressure.

A special drill will be used by your dentist to remove any debris and bacteria from the diseased area of your tooth. After that, the area will be filled with your preferred cavity filling material. Gold, silver, and composite resin are the most widely utilized materials.

How Will You Feel After The Procedure?

It will take some time for the anesthesia to wear off, and you may feel some strange sensations during this period. These include sensations such as itching, puffiness, or numbness. During this time, you will most likely find it difficult to speak, swallow, eat, or move your face.

As a result, your dentist will advise you not to eat or drink anything during this time, as you face the danger of biting the inside of your cheek for a few hours following your tooth filling.

Patients usually feel better after getting a filling. After the diseased substance is removed and the cavity is filled, any toothache or discomfort should go away.

Tooth Sensitivity After a Filling

Some people do suffer from increased tooth sensitivity after a filling. You may discover that certain triggers might create sensitivity, an intense sensation that appears suddenly and then fades away.

Some of the triggers are as follows:

  • Tea, coffee, and soup are examples of hot beverages;
  • Ice, ice cream, and iced drinks are examples of cold beverages and meals;
  • The impact of cold air on your tooth;
  • Sweets, candies, and chocolate are examples of hard or sweet foods.

Most tooth sensitivity after fillings is transient and resolves on its own over time. Short-term sensitivity is frequently caused by nerve irritation induced by the original cavity or tooth-filling surgery.

Your tooth contains a dental nerve that is usually protected by the outer layers of your tooth. When an infection – or the filling used to treat it – reaches too close to that nerve, it can irritate it. Using toothpaste to relieve sensitive teeth may provide short comfort.

In other cases, the soreness may be the result of a misplaced bite. To provide a comfortable bite, your dentist will shape the filling material to correspond with the tooth above or below it. This is normally noticeable after your anesthetic has worn off, however, it may be noticeable only in the first few days after your filling is completed.

If your bite is not comfortable, your dentist will explain this to you and encourage you to return for an adjustment.

When Should You Visit the Dentist?

If you feel worsening discomfort, fever, or inflammation following your dental fillings, you should consult with your dentist. If your tooth sensitivity does not improve within a month of your filling, call your dentist.

Don't let fear of discomfort prevent you from getting a dental filling. Remember that early intervention is critical to preventing the spread of infection.