Are Dental Implants Recommended for the Elderly?

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It is a common misconception that dental implants are not suitable for elderly patients, as our bone density deteriorates with age, which can lead to loose or uncomfortable implants and even infections. It was true that such concerns were valid during the early years of dental implant technology, but implants have since developed to such a level that they are completely safe for elderly patients today.

Dental implant/ tooth implant is a small, titanium post that is surgically placed within your jawbone beneath your gum line to work as a tooth root. It replaces a missing tooth. Post insertion, the dentist will attach a crown on top of the implant to ensure an appearance similar to that of a natural tooth and function like a natural tooth. Dental implants are the most popular and ideal solution for missing tooth/teeth.

A tooth implant/dental implants procedure is done when you have lost a tooth to an injury or gum disease or tooth decay or infection and anyone healthy enough to undergo a surgery can be considered for a dental implant and should have healthy gums, bone to hold the implant. If you have any chronic disorders or any health issues, the dentist will suggest the related therapies or medications before the surgery.

Are Dental Implants Safe for Seniors?

Elders face a lot of problems as the health of teeth deteriorates with age and maybe severe in many cases due to the changing health condition and the dwindling amount of calcium in the body. Root decay, loss of taste, tooth discoloration, dry mouth, and gum diseases along with tooth loss are more prevalent among elders. The need for dental implants is more profound in older people as they are more prone to lose their appetite in case, they lose their teeth or are not able to chew the food properly. There is a misconception that dental implants are not suitable for elderly patients as with age our bone deteriorates which can lead to uncomfortable implants and infections. Patient's condition is different among the elderly, dental implant failure seems to be a multi-factorial problem; it is unclear that aging itself is a risk factor for the placement of implants.

In general, the reserved capacity of bone and soft tissue makes it possible to establish osseointegration in the long run so irrespective of the age factor, the nature of the disease process such as osteoporosis or diabetes, and local bone quality & quantity at the implant site are more important for successful dental implant treatment. The systemic conditions and aging of the oral cavity need to be taken into consideration regarding the risks of implant surgery.

Is There a Age Criterion for Dental Implants?

There is no upper age limit for dental implants. If a patient has experienced bone loss in the jaw, still dental implantation can be done but may require a subperiosteal implant as an alternative to an endosteal implant, or may require a bone grafting procedure first, but osteoporosis does not automatically disqualify you. However, there are some contraindications for dental implants such as – immune disorders, drug abuse, cancer, blood clotting disorders, uncontrolled diabetes; one may not proceed with surgery if these conditions are present.

There may be complications with any procedure due to the age factor but advancement of dental implant technology; they are completely safe for elderly patients. This procedure is not recommended for elders with chronic and uncontrolled diabetes and other diseases that reduce the body’s immune system as this is a surgical procedure and a low immune system can delay recovery.