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Are Scottish Deerhounds Ideal For First-Time Pet Owners?

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Are you interested to adopt a large dog but afraid because you’re inexperienced? Don’t worry because a Scottish Deerhound is affectionate and friendly enough no matter how humongous he is. This dog can be handled even by novice dog parents with firmness, patience, and consistency.


A Scottish Deerhound tends to be a couch potato, lazily snoozing off the couch when he has nothing else to do. He has a reputation for not performing well in agility competitions or obedience classes. But with his hard work and strict training, the dog can still succeed in numerous dog sporting events.


This dog is calm and quiet indoors but doesn’t do well in apartments or homes with limited space. He needs to have a spacious arena to stretch out and move around. He enjoys running and walking daily. But be wary: Scottish Deerhound has a strong prey drive and may chase prey on instinct. This gigantic dog makes a loving and devoted family companion when all his needs are met. 


Your vet Murrieta, CA is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.



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