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Think about your daily routine. How often do you drive to work? Drive to run errands? Take the kids to school or day care in a car? With all this going on, do you think you can really opt for a life free of a car?


What does a car free life look like?

Living a truly car-free life entails eschewing public transportation and walking everywhere. People who choose a car-free lifestyle spend most of their time in urban environments, close to work or school. This means that people will need access to reliable bikes for shorter trips or cars for longer road excursions into the suburbs.


While there are many people in the world who do not own a car, can having a car free society actually be viable? People who choose to live a car-free life often do so for environmental reasons. Having fewer cars on the road will help reduce pollution and greenhouse emissions, but would this be enough of an incentive for society as a whole to give up their vehicles? Would people really want to walk everywhere or rely solely on bicycles and public transportation in lieu of owning a vehicle? While there is no doubt that living more sustainable lives is important, can we truly say that it's possible for most people to live without transport at all costs? It is quite a controversial topic, especially with so many people looking for cars for sale in Sri Lanka in order to fulfil their transportation needs.


Why is it important to live a car free life?

What is the importance of living a car-free life? In what way can it benefit the environment, society as a whole and ourselves personally? How would we live without our cars? Do you think this is possible for everyone to do or only those who have other means of transport available to them such as public transportation or access to bicycles? What are some benefits people might not see about living a car free lifestyle? What disadvantages does it entail that they may be overlooking when weighing pros and cons in their minds? If someone has no alternative but to drive every day, how could they make small changes like using fuel efficient vehicles which will help reduce emissions even if slightly? How could they use technology in order to make driving more sustainable?


These are just some of the questions that pop up when we think about a car free society.


Efficiency of public transport, ease of cycling are some other factors to consider when weighing the pros and cons. The bottom line is that over time people will adapt their lifestyles according to what's available in their cities or parts thereof based on how sustainable it may be for them to do so. Sometime in the future people might be searching for bicycles rather than Nissan cars for sale or Toyota cars for sale.


How do you reduce your dependency on cars?

If we are to slowly but surely move in this direction, here are some ways to reduce the huge dependency that we seem to have on cars in modern society.


People who live in suburbs where they have access only to cars should find ways around this, if possible, even though it might not always easy for everyone interested in living car free. They could move closer to town centres which would make reaching destinations much easier by walking, biking etc. Or get rid of one vehicle entirely, sell it, or just use it less frequently making sure they reap all benefits from owning a car before getting rid of it completely.


The benefits of living a car-free lifestyle

The benefits of a truly car free society are many, and include:

  • Less noise and pollution in the streets. 
  • A more sustainable way of living based on sharing resources (cars, parking spaces) instead of owning them. This is also a great money saver for people who cannot afford to buy expensive cars or own their own home with space enough to fit one or several cars inside it.
  • Better traffic conditions since there will be less vehicles using roads and thus reducing congestion and making journeys faster which could even save time, meaning: More free time you can spend doing other things than commuting from point A to B.
  • Safety increases due to increased presence by police patrolling public transport systems.
  • Fare evasion would come down considerably as well because everyone would have paid up front when entering public transport services.


The benefits of living car-free are many. From the environment, to your wallet and even to your own health (considering that you will be walking or biking more often), there is a lot on the line when it comes to this decision. However, what about those days where we need groceries? What if we want to go see our friends who live across town? These questions may seem like they have no answer but in reality, there are plenty of simple solutions for these dilemmas. In fact, with just a few minor adjustments here and there, you can turn any errand into an opportunity for exercise and help reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.


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