1. Artificial Intelligence

Articles you need to read before 2024

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Hospitality with Artificial Intelligence & personalisation is bling
The hospitality industry is booming. With innumerable travel enthusiasts and bloggers dying to visit new places for a new adventure, it's chatbot time now!

5 ways hotel chatbots can solve the problem of hotel bookings
Simplify bookings, check-ins, and collect room service orders in your customers' languages via hotel chatbots, giving your guests a stress-free experience.

5 ways how AI can improve your business's software testing
AI is improving & simplifying the life of developers & testers everywhere, by automating processes & allowing testers to provide accurate results & bug finds.

4 ways to create experiences that customers will talk about
Every business aspires to create experiences that customers will talk about, but are unsure on how to do so. So, we've broken it down into 4 steps in this blog.

How are businesses winning with chatbots and AI?
Conversational chatbots have higher open rates and click-through rates, all while receiving a much better response rate than email marketing campaigns.

Digital Transformation Strategy to Grow Your Business in 2022
For the transformation process, you need to choose key activities to accomplish your objectives. These include decisions about investing, resourcing & managing.

How does HBase scale?
Learn about the components of HBase and understand how to scale it up and get it to handle millions of datapoints, returning results in a few milliseconds.

How technical are APIs?
The topic of APIs may seem daunting, but it's simply communication between two systems. Here's a quick walkthrough of what APIs are, starting with the REST API.

7 ways to deal with angry customers
You know what they say- you can’t please everyone. But what do you do if experiences turn sour? Here’s Engati’s guide on how to deal with angry customers.

How to enter an unknown terrain of code
If you are new to a project, here is what you could do before you ask your colleagues for assistance and try to increase your skills to debug existing code.

How to make your customer experience easy and gain growth
Colin Shaw talks about smoothening your customer experiences by reducing the amount of effort that your customers need to make during these experiences.

How to show customers that you care
Show your customers that you're not just trying to make a sale. Make it clear that you're here to help them. Show that you care. That's how you win their hearts