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Ontology is a part of philosophy that looks at what things are really made of. It is the study of the things in the world and what they are. Astrology tries to explain how we got to where we are now. It links the fact that we have this body to the fact that we have planets and the Earth.

Know yourself

When a person goes deeper inside, they move beyond the physical world and into the spiritual world. Some people try to find answers in their spiritual lives. Some people say that they're souls. Some people think religion is a good answer. But these answers are true for everyone on Earth. It's hard to find answers to questions like why we exist and why we are the way we are. We don't understand why similar people in similar settings have such different results and lives.

Astrology is so interesting because it helps us understand ourselves. Introspection and mental growth and development are harder ways to try to get to know yourself. Astrology gives us a set of rules that can be used to figure out who we are. This is why it works as a framework for figuring out what things are.

How does astrology help us understand the world?

Astrology is based on the idea that the time we were born tells us a lot about who we are as people. Our horoscope is based on where we were when we were born and on a picture of the sky taken at the time of birth. Some schools of astrology don't know why twins born close together can have such different ways of living. But Vedic astrologers and some Western astrologers who use them say that twins can be told apart by their harmonic charts.

Astrology can tell us why we were born and what was most important to a person when they were born. If you believe in rebirth, the birth chart can also show you which parts of your life will be the most difficult because of your past actions. Our horoscopes also tell us a lot about the karma we brought with us from the last life.

The birth chart can be used to find out about many different things about a person. When a person believes in a birth chart and a horoscope, ontological questions become less abstract and more real. The logical and rule-based way the chart is interpreted gives us clear answers to our philosophical problems.

Astrology helps us understand and even predict what will happen in our lives. When we add in karma and the fact that people have lived many lives in different places and times, we have the link between the visible and unseen worlds. It gives us peace of mind to know that astrology can still help us understand and learn about things we can't see.

How to Use Astrology Right

When we use astrology for silly things and silly questions, we do it and ourselves a big harm. We should instead use it to look at ourselves in a mirror. We can see more clearly who we are and how we need to change in order to grow. We can use it to shine a light on parts of ourselves that we might not have seen before. And if we can accept who we are and why we are the way we are, we will realize that no one is an island. We are all linked to each other and to the rest of the world. Metaphysics is the only way we can see and measure these connections. So, astrology is the best way to understand reality.

The Body vs. the Self-Identity

Every one of us is getting a real body. We think of our flesh and skin as the wall that keeps us safe. When we build walls and gates to make places for ourselves, we also make more limits and containers. But our biggest search for the most obscure answer is to figure out who we are. We want to know what science, chemistry, and genetics can't tell us about ourselves. We know in our bones and cells that we are more than just flesh and bones. But we describe ourselves based on how we look, even though most of us know that we are more than what meets the eye. Talk to one of our trained astrologers about the Ontological Framework.

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