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Astrology Calculator for Life Prediction – Karma Astro App

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The new development in the field of Vedic Astrology is the use of Astrology calculators. The most common benefits of Astrology calculators include quick and accurate astrological calculations. Earlier, when Vedic Astrology came into practice thousands of years back, intricate calculations were performed by our ancient scholars. They were divine beings with superpowers to visualize and calculate things beyond ordinary capabilities. But the common man like us needed astrology software for the same purpose. Now, to get even faster and the most accurate results, we use several types of free astrology calculator.

Let’s understand their relevance and significance in our lives-

Quick and easy to use– The astrology calculators are very easy and quick to use. One just needs to provide basic birth details, and information related to different aspects of life can be fetched in almost no time. There are various calculators for various purposes like education, marriage, health, diseases, marriage, travel, etc. the most common use of astrology calculators is to get free Janam kundli in a few seconds. Now, the person doesn’t have to go anywhere and with the use of an astrology calculator getting an accurate birth chart is an easy task.

Match making- The astrology calculators have become a big relief to those looking for a perfect match for a boy or a girl. The parents earlier had to go to an astrologer or pandit ji for matching of kundlis, which was rather a tiring and tedious job. But now, this is possible to match end number of horoscopes with the help of astrology calculators within the comfort of your home. The calculators use ashtkoota milan principles for the matching of kundlis. After a general match, the parents or the boy or girl may meet the professional astrologer to complete a detailed analysis. Match-making calculator are the most popular calculators to be used by the masses.

Love compatibility- The match making calculators tell about your marriage compatibility. The love compatibility calculator gives information about your love compatibility with the partner. Based on your zodiac and Moon sign information, the calculator predicts the compatibility factor between the love partners. Now, there is no need to remain in confusion about how compatible you both are with each other or which zodiac sign is perfect for a date. Just use the love compatibility calculator and find your dream love partner.

Marriage- Not just compatibility but also knowing when you will get married. The calculators give valuable insights into the married life of a person. The time period of getting married, the status of marriage, problems that are likely to come, suggested remedies, and detail about your would-be spouse can be known through marriage calculators.  

Education abroad – In Astrology, there is certain yoga for every event to take place. The event is not promised if yoga is absent from someone’s chart. If one wishes to study abroad, he/she should have yoga for foreign study. Now, you don’t need to go anywhere to identify this yoga. Simply use an astrology calculator and make out your possibilities to study abroad. Not just education but the calculators may predict the various reasons for staying or settling in a foreign country. However, one needs to meet an astrologer to know the timeline of when someone can go abroad.

Career- This is the most useful aspect of astrology calculators. These scientific calculators may predict about the suitability of a job or business for a person. The most suitable line of career and also the direction for gaining success in career can be known through the calculator. We have mentioned earlier also that calculators give valuable insights and if backed by the astrological consultation, the chances of accuracy raise up to 100%. Simply provide your birth details and the most relevant information about your career is just before your eyes!

Vastu calculators- You may know the right location of different rooms, kitchens, stairs, and home décor items with the help of a Vastu calculator. It helps to identify the most appropriate corner and the perfect location for constructing and placing different partitions and things in the house. The person gets a broader idea about the correct Vastu and may take professional services for further guidance. Else, the information provided through the Vastu calculator is sufficient in itself.

Know your health conditions- This is, again, a useful aspect of astrology calculators. If you wish to know your health conditions, then simply put your birth details in the Vedic astrology calculators, and you have your health report in your hand. The calculators may predict the possible diseases in your life. Some advanced calculators like those at www.vinaybajrangi.com may also provide cure through astrological remedies to safeguard against any undesirable health condition. If you know about the bad period in advance, it is always easy to take precautions in advance.

Daily horoscope – Know your day with astrology calculators. The scientific Vedic calculators may predict your today’s horoscope. Information about the day can be known simply by entering your birth details. So, if something important has been lined up for today, know the outcomes in no time using astrology calculators.

Lucky number and color- The calculator may also calculate today's lucky color and number. Use your lucky charms to become lucky! They serve as a wonderful guide to your day-to-day activities by suggesting you the color and number to be used to attract fortune.

Gemstone suggestion- One may know the Gemstone to be worn through the suggestions made by the astrology calculators. They work as an astrologer in determining which gemstone or Rudraksha one should wear to attract prosperity and wealth in life. After calculating the birth placements correctly, calculators suggest suitable gemstones to an individual. The results are completely reliable without any second thought as they follow a scientific approach to computation and analysis.

Read more: Business Name as Kundli | Karma Astro App | Finance Astrology | Bandhan Yoga

No geographical boundary constraints– The astrology calculators can be used by anyone in any corner of the world with equal ease. There is absolutely no language or usage barrier. Available in both English and Hindi, the calculators can be used by anyone with utmost ease. Variations in different global and regional languages are also becoming available with time. No one needs to come out of their comfort zones or commute to the places of preferred astrologers. It is through the use of your smartphone and computers that these most effective and accurate astrology calculators can be used by anyone. Recommend these astrological wonders to your friends and relatives for their ultimate benefit.       

Source Link: https://sites.google.com/view/kundlipredictions/blog/astrology-calculator-for-life-prediction
