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The story is about an AI robot named Harlan who was destined to become a terrorist and kill most of humanity but failed because the humans he was fighting stopped him. Harlan is a robot created by Atlas mother because his mother is one of the best scientists who also made history in the world. I will say that the CGI used in this film is truly awesome and looks very realistic. Now it’s 2024 and the animation was fantastic, they nailed the action scenes and we can see and imagine that this is the future we can experience every moment. There were some interesting jokes in the middle of the film that followed Harlan on another planet. It was great to see a spaceship flying through space and they could go anywhere planets wanted to go. Browse unlimited Hollywood film online at Afdah. There were many lines that were always on my mind in the movie but one iconic line I always remember was “Peace to the Fallen” which was very good and was by an AI robot named Smith paired with Atlas he said. Atlas was initially uneasy about having an AI robot or doing anything due to past trauma with robots and knew what Harlan was capable of. But there were questions that I don’t think go unanswered, that question being how could Harlan see the future when he and Atlas were disabled.
