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It’s well known that being around live greenery can potentially improve quality of life. Plants regulate humidity, absorb toxins from the air, and some reports even suggest that plants can positively impact mood.

But did you know the same can be said of birdwatching? Evidently, the bright colors and uplifting melodies of backyard bird songs can counteract feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression.

If you’ve recently made a move to bring live plants into your office and you have an outdoor courtyard space, consider planting some trees and greenery out there as well, with the intent of attracting some birds.

Planter boxes aren’t just for the indoors, and birds, like plants, may positively affect your employees’ spirits.

Plant Trees and Other Plants in Planter Boxes
One of the first steps to attracting songbirds is to offer them a place to gather, rest, sleep, and feed. That’s what trees, shrubs, and other plants can offer.

Trees, specifically, even small ones planted in planter boxes, offer birds a place aloft to rest when they’re weary, as well as shelter from predators and weather.

Plants offer much more, though. Many plants offer food in the form of berries and seeds; plants also harbor insect life that sustains many species of songbirds. And, in breeding months, some species of birds will gather raw fibers and materials from trees and build their nests among their limbs.

Side Note: Blooms and Specific Colors
Attracting some birds requires a little know-how. For instance, some birds are attracted to specific colors.

Bluebirds and blue jays are believed to be attracted to the color blue, perhaps because they are attracted to their own species. Similarly, goldfinches and warblers are attracted to yellow.

Orioles are attracted to orange, and hummingbirds are attracted to red and pink. Also, if you’re considering attracting hummingbirds, hang up red hummingbird feeders or grow flowers that attract them, such as cardinal flowers, petunias, or trumpet honeysuckles.

Hang a Feeder or Two
While planting trees will offer birds food in the form of insects, other invertebrates, and possibly in the form of fruits and seeds, it doesn’t help to put your best foot forward and hang a feeder or two.

Hummingbirds require high-sugar, liquid feeders; orioles prefer jelly and fruit; bluebirds like protein rich-foods like mealworms. If you want to attract finches, offer a thistle sock. Many other species of songbirds will be attracted to seed and nut mixes containing sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, peanuts, and cracked corn.

Offer Water
Finally, offer a water source if you aren’t near one. The simple addition of a bird bath will entice birds to venture into and linger in your courtyard, so you and your employees will have a better chance of enjoying their melodies and bright colors.

Getting Started
Attracting birds to your courtyard doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. You can pick up bird seed, feeders, and bird baths at most hardware stores; as for the planter boxes, we recommend PotsPlantersandMore.com. They carry a wide range of indoor and outdoor planters in an even wider range of sizes, colors, and finishes, that are perfect for growing trees and ornamentals that will attract birds. Visit their website today and get started putting your plan into action.

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