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It is not easy to run a care home. Service users often have complex needs and can be highly vulnerable. How can care homes in Newham counter this? What distinguishing qualities set some care homes apart from the competition?

Factors for care homes in Newham to consider:

  • Communal areas

Creating a welcoming atmosphere means ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and that there is a sense of community. Communal spaces for shared meals, socialization and other activities prevent isolation and provide relationship-building opportunities.

  • Private space

Time to socialize is important, but so is time for oneself. This is especially true for those with sensory issues. The most obvious place for privacy is a person's bedroom, which should always feel safe and comfortable, but other quiet areas can be formally set aside for service users to be alone and calm down.

  • Outside space

Scientific evidence suggests spending time in the fresh air can be good for physical and mental health. Outside space could include areas designed for play, or gardens that allow an opportunity for sensory stimulation. Let service users be part of maintaining the space, building their confidence and a sense of personal pride in their home.

  • On-site activities

Offering a wide range of activities where participants can have fun while honing their abilities is essential to enhancing the quality of life for service users. These are chances to display creativity, engage the senses, improve socialization and build confidence among service users.

  • Kitchen

Food is not just essential for survival. It is a chance for sensory engagement, shared experiences and cultural understanding. Service users require a diet that meets their nutritional demands while also being delicious and satisfying. Cooking and baking are other potential activities in which service users can participate to improve their life skills.

  • Cleanliness and safety

Service users need to be clean, safe, and secure in their homes. It includes external security measures (locks, cameras etc.) for entry and exit, and internal safety measures to account for the specific, complex needs of service users. An assessment must be conducted to identify any possible danger zones, and remedial measures must be taken.

  • Appropriate technology and devices

Although having access to the internet is necessary for the current age, several assistive technologies can help with communication, socialization, and sensory concerns. How these devices are used may depend on individual service users, but support workers need to be familiar and comfortable with the most modern technology.

  • Quality finish

The best care home in the world can still feel shoddy if the overall finish is poor. Furniture and decoration should not just be high quality but should look it. Service users may have sensory issues affecting their responses to light, colour, sound, tactile surfaces and other aspects of décor, so these aspects must be designed with care.

  • Parking

Family and friends of service users are likely to want to visit regularly. Support workers need to be able to travel to and from work with ease. Having adequate parking spaces available is a simple yet effective way to make any care home more accessible to more people.

  • Transport links

Part of connecting to the outside world is quite literally being able to visit it. Nearby bus routes and railway stations can allow access to a wider area with more potential for activities and engagement. It also makes it easier for friends and family to visit, and for support workers to commute.

  • Local community

Care homes are not meant to keep people apart from the rest of society. They can be built at the heart of communities, allowing service users to engage with local people, amenities, and events. Shops, leisure centres and restaurants are all places where service users can increase their independence, build relationships, and improve life skills.

These are just some of the ways that care homes can ensure that service users, their families, friends, and support workers can all feel safe and happy. The home should be an accessible space that takes account of a variety of complex needs and works to help service users improve their skills and interact more with the outside world.