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Transit advertising can be practiced through the use of various vehicles acting act as carriers of advertising messages. Be it buses, cabs and auto-rickshaws, anything can be adopted to make outdoor advertising effective. Transit ads are the ads that are displayed on vehicles on the road. It falls under the umbrella of outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising implies to any form of brand communication outside the home of the target audience.

Apart from buses and cars, the most cost-effective and form of transit advertising is the auto-rickshaw advertising. They have an edge over other mediums of outdoor advertising such as buses, cars and trains for the reasons listed below:

  • Fast and affordable: As auto-rickshaws are quick way to reach places such as central market, schools, bus and train stops and offices, they are the most used public transport by Indian audience as they are fast, safe and cheap.
  • Privacy: As auto-rickshaw have limited space, they can carry only three people comfortably. Unlike other public transport vehicles such as taxi, buses and metro train that carry numerous people at once.
  • Convenient: As auto-rickshaws can reach both prime residential and commercial localities as well as narrow gullies, they make sure that the audience reaches their destination comfortably. They do no leave the passengers on a point from where they might have to either walk or pick other vehicle for reaching their desired destination.

Auto- rickshaw advertising benefits to bank upon:

  • Amplifies reach and visibility: Auto-rickshaws can reach every nook and corner of a city, thus taking the advertising messages to far off places.
  • Attention grabbing: As ads placed on auto-rickshaws are short, crisp and have an attractive copy, they demand for instant attention by both the pedestrians and the riders. The ad copy is short yet highly provocative to make the audience act quickly.
  • Average exposure is fixed: Whether someone rides it or the auto-rickshaw is moving on the road to reach a destination, the ads displayed on them remain live. With each kilometre the average exposure of the ad multiplies. An auto-rickshaw covers minimum of 90kms to 100kms per day.
  • Cost-effective: They act as medium to bring maximum ROI (return of investment) as they do not incur much cost but they have high reach and visibility as compared to other mediums. They spread the brand message among people spread across various parts of the city.

Auto-rickshaw advertising formats available in Gurugram:

  • Back Panel: The advertisement can be placed at the back of the auto-rickshaw from where it gives the as exposure to people on roads and the vehicles moving behind the rickshaw.
  • Meter cover: An ad sticker can be placed on the meter cover to expose the advertisement to the rider.
  • Driver’s Seat Back: The ad can also be placed at the back side of the auto-driver’s seat, so that the brand can communicate with the rider on one on one basis during the ride time. The ad placed here is hard to ignore as it is at the rider’s eye level.
  • Rain cover hood: One can also use rain cover hood for placing the ad. The ad placed here will get view of the people on vehicles and buildings that are above the height of the auto-rickshaw.

Sticker ads: If you are looking for ad formats to promote small and medium size business in Gurugram than sticker ads also serve the purpose.