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Corrugated boxes are becoming more significant in modern manufacturing. Bursting strength, as one of the most reliable indicators of corrugated carton quality, is impacted not only by the moulding process and printing design but also by environmental conditions. To further evaluate and improve the quality of corrugated cartons, it is necessary to test the bursting strength of corrugated boxes. This can be done with the help of the Presto bursting strength tester digital model. This amazing lab testing instrument has been designed with an advanced set of features that will determine the bursting strength of corrugated cardboard, carton box, leather, etc. Presto is a leading manufacturer of bursting strength testers in India and provides you with high-quality testing equipment at the best and most affordable prices.

As a corrugated box manufacturer, you must be worried about the bursting factors that can lead to damage to your corrugated boxes. This damage would lead to much loss and consumers can even reject the bad packaging. Thus, it would lead to high product losses. Testing the bursting strength of corrugated boxes will help you to make sure that your box delivered will not get burst in between.

Here in this blog, we are going to provide you with information about how you can easily avoid the bursting problems of corrugated boxes in shipping by testing it with the Presto box compression tester.

What is the main cause of box bursting during shipping?

The corrugated boxes will easily get burst during the shipping process. This may happen due to improper handling of the box. Thus, testing the bursting strength of corrugated boxes beforehand would lead to reducing damages and low rejection rates. There are some factors like the quality of paper being used in the corrugated boxes and thickness of paper etc. will impact the strength of corrugated boxes. You can read brief information about factors influencing the bursting strength of corrugated boxes and how the box bursting strength tester is helpful in conducting the test.

In a variety of situations, corrugated boxes should be able to withstand the external stress of mechanical strength. The compressive performance of corrugated cartons is a key indicator of corrugated carton quality control because it accurately reflects the carton's fundamental qualities while also acting as a protective barrier in product circulation.

The Mullen test or the box bursting test is one of the effective tests that are helpful in testing the toughness of a product when an external load is applied to it. The poor packaging problems will also occur if the bursting strength of the box will not tested beforehand.

You can even take the help of a box-bursting strength tester to make sure that the number of rejections will get reduced. Now, let us focus on the features and technical specifications of the digital bursting strength tester.

Features of Presto bursting strength tester                                     




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