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Every individual, be it a child or an elder, has a lot of concerns when it comes to height. Especially children with short height suffer from low self-confidence and inferiority complex as their taller friends tease them every time. But thankfully, Ayurveda has a solution to the issue as Ayurvedic medicine for child growth has shown remarkable results in promoting gain in stature even in adult people.

As per Ayurveda, dosha and diet play a major role in affecting the height of an individual. Short-height symbolizes poor growth achieved during growing years. Well, there are a lot more reasons which can lead to stunted growth of a child and every parent should be well-aware of it. 

What Are the Causes of Stunted Growth?

As per Ayurveda, a child’s height is based on his/her dosha. If a child is facing stunted height problem, there might definitely be a problem in dosha and the child is not getting an adequate amount of diet required for better growth. There can be other reasons too for the stunted height of a child, such as –

  • Chronic diseases involving the nervous or circulatory system.

  • Endocrine or hormonal causes including thyroid issues.

  • Hereditary

  • Malnutrition

  • Systemic disorders involving kidney, lungs, and liver

These are some of the major causes that stop the child from growing naturally and reach their maximum height. As per Ayurveda, parents should include some ayurvedic herbs in their child’s food along with following a proper diet schedule.  

Ayurvedic Herbs to Overcome the Problem of Stunted Growth

  • Yashtimadhu: It has anti-oxidant, anti-stress, and anti-inflammatory properties that lower the infection & stress that hinders the child’s growth. 

  • Praval Pishti: It helps prevent bone loss due to calcium deficiency. Consuming this ayurvedic herb can help to maintain the bone health of a child and maintain their height.

  • Ashwagandha: It is a rejuvenating herb that increases stamina and makes the child more active which is a major factor in the child’s growth.

  • Guduchi: It has anti-allergic, anti-stress, and anti-diabetic properties that boost the immune system. These properties make this herb best suitable for increasing height. 

  • Guggul: It helps reduce hypothyroidism and regulate thyroid hormone by balancing the hormonal problem. 


All of these ingredients are mostly found in ayurvedic medicines that help children grow faster by balancing all the deficiencies in their body. To overcome stunted growth, parents can also buy ayurvedic medicine online that help their child grow better. Apart from this, Ayurveda also emphasizes on doing yoga, getting enough sleep, and having a balanced diet & nutrition. So, parents should always focus on the overall routine of a child and make sure to include green vegetables and milk into their diet. Doing so will boost up the natural process of growth and development of the body which in turn helps the bone to gain height. It is high time to let your child grow naturally!