1. Pets

Bad Breath In Dogs

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Why Does My Dog's Breath Stink? Possible Reasons for Bad BreathA dog’s normal breath doesn't usually smell fresh and that’s okay. However, bad breath or Halitosis can be a sign of mouth issues such as a bacterial infection that must be treated right away. This usually comes from food that is stuck in your dog’s teeth or gums.

In most cases, smaller dogs are more susceptible to tartar, plaque, and other gum problems. On the other hand, there's nothing to worry about because plaques can be removed by your veterinarian by thorough cleaning. You can also practice daily brushing at home to prevent this.

Persistent bad breath can also be a sign of digestive and gum problems like gingivitis. If your dog shows unusual signs and has lost his appetite, is urinating, or drinking excessively, and is vomiting, getting to an animal hospital so your dog can be checked will be a great help.

Any sign of a dental problem exhibited by your pet should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Kerrville TX



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