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Baseball Genius Patent, Steal King Realized

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The match between Hanwha and KIA held at the Gwangju-Kia Champions Field on the 25th was a starting match between Sanchez with the same last name. KIA Mario pitched well with no hits at all, and Hanwha starter Ricardo allowed one point in the first inning, but there was no more crisis. In a close 1-0 situation, Park Chan-ho's one loop run led the flow to KIA.


In the bottom of the fifth inning, leadoff Park Chan-ho lightly pushed Ricardo's ball in his third at-bat and went on base with a hit in front of right fielder. He hit the opposing pitcher's ball well at bat and made a hit that day as well. Ricardo and catcher Choi Jae-hoon were very nervous when the stealing king went to base last year. He kept throwing check balls and almost got caught in reverse motion.


Lee Dae-hyung, a commentator at SPOTV who had a reputation for stealing, predicted the stealing, saying, “Park Chan-ho catches the best stealing timing against left-handed pitchers.” In fact, he succeeded in stealing through frequent checks. Na Seong-beom entered the plate, and at this time, Park Chan-ho took a large lead. It was an expression of intention to go home unconditionally if it was a single hit.


At the end of the battle, Ricardo's one-bound breaking ball made Na Seong-beom's bat go round. But the catcher couldn't catch it and it flowed backwards. Park Chan-ho quickly turned around the 3rd base and rushed home. Na Seong-beom did not play first base even though he was in a snatch situation. The catcher seemed to think he had caught it.


At this time, Hanwha catcher Choi Jae-hoon, who ran and caught the bounced ball, was caught off guard. He glanced at Park Chan-ho, who was returning to third base, and threw to first base to get an outcount. However, the gap between catcher and first baseman was far. The delivery time was long. Park Chan-ho, who saw this, rushed to the homepage. The first baseman re-throwed the ball right away, but Park Chan-ho's hand touched the home ball first.


It was a momentary gap that most runners tend to overlook. However, Park Chan-ho's five senses did not miss this. He saw with his eyes, made quick judgments with his brain, and went into action with his body. This time was not even 1 second. In a Tigers game, only Lee Jong-beom, a baseball genius, was able to run for such a momentary gap.


Park Chan-ho summoned the patent of a baseball genius with a genius base run. With that decision, I was able to run away with 2-0 and bring the flow. 먹튀검증 He was pursued by one run, but won with Choi Hyung-woo’s wedge two-run gun at the end of the 7th inning. Manager Kim Jong-guk also applauded, saying, “Park Chan-ho succeeded in scoring a valuable extra run in the bottom of the 5th inning with a run that caught the opponent off guard.”


Park Chan-ho said, “The home rush was not planned. I thought I could find the timing by looking at the position of the opponent's defense, so I boldly tried it. There was a little distance between the catcher (from the first baseman), so what I instantly judged led to an extra point. Important I think it is a more valuable result because it is an additional point from the point of view. If a similar opportunity arises next time, I will try it without hesitation.”