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Shopping for a baby may sound simple, but it usually is not. Today a variety of items are found in regards to clothing and feeding infants, and due to such an expansive range of options available, it often can be confusing the select the right ones. To make this process easier, you should make a shopping checklist for newborn. This will allow you to be systematic in your approach and make sure that you don’t miss out on any item. In addition to the typical clothing, feeding and sleeping essentials for infants, you should also purchase proper nursery furniture and travel accessories for them.  While many parents think that buying travel accessories for babies is not that important, so is not the case. There might be numerous instances where you have to travel with your baby on a short notice, such as the anniversary of a loved one in a different city, an impromptu holiday, a family emergency, and more.

 Not being equipped with basic travel accessories can be a huge hassle in such situations.  Hence, it will be good ideas to purchase certain baby travel accessories from beforehand, so that you are ready to travel with your newborn without a problem at a short notice. Here are some of those accessories:

  • Baby carrier: Being able to walk hands-free on and off public transport, as well as through crowds and stairs, is an important aspect of travelling with a baby. To facilitate this, you would need a good baby carrier. Moreover, you can even use a baby carrier at home while cooking, gardening, or doing some other work, to keep your baby close, while also completing the needed tasks of the house.
  • Stroller hooks: This item allows you to have easy access to a host of items, like your handbag, diaper bag, and more. Anything you do not want to put in the storage compartment below the stroller can be hung from the handlebars of your baby’s stroller. These hooks come as a huge advantage while travelling with a baby.
  • Infant car seats: Such car seats are extremely important whenever you are travelling with your baby in a car, no matter whether you are just going to the market. Infant car seats have the ability to fully recline which is great for babies under six months who usually are not able to sit up on their own yet.

These were some of the items you must try to be equipped with, so that you don’t face any issues while travelling with your baby. 



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