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The heart of a home lies in the kitchen and bathroom – these rooms are where we nourish ourselves, unwind, and create daily rituals. But a beautiful and functional space starts from the ground up, and choosing the right flooring is crucial for both aesthetics and practicality. 

Trends & Innovations in Bathroom & Kitchen Flooring:

Sustainable Solutions:

Eco-conscious options like cork flooring are gaining popularity in kitchens and bathrooms. Cork offers a warm and comfortable underfoot feel, natural water resistance, and sound absorption properties. Look for recycled content options in LVT or other materials for an environmentally friendly choice.

Pattern Play:

Tiles offer endless possibilities for creating unique patterns on your bathroom or kitchen floor. Consider herringbone patterns, mosaics, or geometric layouts to add a touch of personality and visual interest.

Heated Floors:

For a luxurious upgrade, explore heated flooring options. This can be particularly beneficial in colder climates, providing warmth and comfort underfoot in both kitchens and bathrooms.

Large Format Tiles:

Large format tiles create a sleek and modern look by minimizing grout lines and making the space feel more open. This option works especially well in larger bathrooms and kitchens.


Bathroom & Kitchen Environments:

Moisture Mayhem: Bathrooms

Bathrooms are notoriously high-moisture environments. Frequent 

exposure to water from showers, splashes, and spills creates a constant battle against moisture damage. Choosing the right flooring material needs to prioritize water resistance, slip resistance, and easy cleaning.

Heavy Traffic Hotspots: Kitchens

Kitchens are hubs of activity, experiencing constant foot traffic, frequent spills, and potential grease splatters. Ideal kitchen flooring must be durable enough to withstand constant wear and tear, easy to clean, and comfortable underfoot.

Popular Flooring Options for Bathrooms & Kitchens:

Ceramic and Porcelain Tile:

These timeless choices reign supreme for their exceptional water resistance, durability, and vast design versatility. Tiles come in a wide array of colours, patterns, and finishes, allowing for 


Stone Tile:

For a luxurious touch, natural stone tiles like granite, slate, or marble offer elegance and timeless beauty. However, natural stone requires 

special care and is prone to staining and scratching compared to ceramic.

Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT):

LVT is a rising star, offering a realistic wood or stone look with exceptional durability. It boasts water resistance, is comfortable underfoot, and comes with easy click-lock installation options.

Engineered Wood:

Engineered wood flooring offers a beautiful wood look with more water resistance compared to traditional solid hardwood. It's comfortable underfoot but may require more maintenance in high–moisture areas.

Vinyl Sheet Flooring:

Vinyl sheet flooring offers a budget-friendly option with waterproof capabilities and easy

maintenance. However, it may not have the same aesthetic appeal as other options.


Considerations for Your Space:

Style & Design:

Consider your overall bathroom or kitchen design aesthetic. Tiles offer the most design flexibility, while engineered wood brings warmth and a modern touch. Choose a material and colour scheme that complements your cabinetry, countertops, and wall colours.

Traffic & Usage:

Think about how the space will be used. For high-traffic kitchens, prioritize durability. In bathrooms with frequent showering, prioritize slip resistance.


Flooring materials vary significantly in cost. Set a realistic budget and explore options that optimize performance within your price range.

Subfloor Considerations:

Ensure your subfloor is suitable for the chosen flooring material. Some materials like LVT can be installed on existing flooring, while others may require a specific subfloor type.

Installation Considerations:

Proper installation is critical for the longevity and performance of bathroom and kitchen flooring.

Subfloor Preparation:

Ensuring a flat, clean, and moisture-resistant subfloor is essential for preventing issues such as warping, buckling, and mould growth.


Applying waterproofing membranes or sealants in wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens can protect the subfloor and prevent water damage.


Installing an appropriate underlayment can help reduce noise, improve insulation, and provide additional moisture protection.

Grout and Sealants:

Proper installation of grout and sealants is crucial for maintaining water resistance and preventing moisture penetration between tiles or planks.

Expansion Joints:

Incorporating expansion joints allows the flooring to expand and contract with changes in temperature and humidity, reducing the risk 

of damage.

Maintenance & Care Tips for Long-Lasting Floors:

Regular maintenance is essential for preserving the appearance and performance of bathroom and kitchen Vinyl flooring.

Cleaning Routine:

Establishing a regular cleaning routine with appropriate cleaning products and techniques helps remove dirt, spills, and stains without damaging the flooring.

Sealing (if applicable):

Sealing porous materials like natural stone and grout helps protect them from moisture, stains, and discolouration.

Repairing Damages:

Promptly addressing any scratches, chips, or cracks prevents further damage and extends the lifespan of the flooring.

Preventive Measures:

Using rugs or mats in high-traffic areas, under sinks, and near entrances can help protect the flooring from wear and tear.

General Tips:

  • Regularly sweep or vacuum both bathroom and kitchen floors to remove dirt and debris that can scratch the surface.
  • Use doormats at entrances to both rooms to trap dirt and moisture before they reach the flooring.
  • Consider placing furniture protectors under heavy appliances and furniture to prevent scratches and dents.
  • Invest in high-quality floor mats for both the bathroom and kitchen. These will absorb spills, provide additional slip resistance, and protect the flooring from wear and tear.
  • Regularly inspect your floors for any signs of damage like cracks, chips, or loose tiles. Address these issues promptly to prevent further problems.


Choosing the right bathroom and kitchen flooring is an investment in your home. By understanding the unique demands of each space, exploring the various material options, and considering your design preferences and budget, you can select a floor that complements your style and provides lasting functionality. Whether you choose a timeless classic like ceramic tile or explore the latest innovations like epoxy flooring, the perfect floor awaits to elevate your space and create a foundation for years of enjoyment.

Remember, the perfect floor isn't just about aesthetics; it's about creating a space that reflects your personality and lifestyle while providing long-lasting performance. So, step into the world of possibilities and embark on the journey of creating your dream bathroom and kitchen!


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