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Motorized shades are growing in popularity. They can be hardwired or battery-powered. Some people have difficulty in deciding which option to choose for motorized shades. We have come up with important facts about battery shades that might help you in making the right decision. Motorized shades are easy to operate, effective and reliable. 

Battery-powered Shades  

These window treatments are wireless as well as energy efficient. They will help you save on your electric bills and keep the environment safe for homes with older people and kids. 

Benefits of Installing Battery-powered Window Treatments 

There are a number of advantages to installing battery-powered window treatments inside your home:

  • Wireless 

This is a very important advantage of having battery shades – they are wireless. This not only means you will have a clean window covering but also there will be an elegant touch to the whole décor. 

  • Good for Hard-to-Reach Windows 

Battery shades are the perfect choice for hard-to-reach windows or glazing windows. Some houses might have windows at a height where you cannot easily touch. Hence, operating such windows is a real difficulty. For such windows, adding a power source is a wise decision and battery is the best option. With motorization, you can easily close or open the shades of these windows without any manual labor. You can raise or lower blinds of such high windows from the comfort of your couch. 

  • Easy Installation 

In wired motorized shades, you need to have a power source near the window. But this is essentially not required in case of battery-powered shades. With these, all you will need is a remote control for operating the blinds. This wireless control allows you to even operate skylight windows. Since there is no need for main power, the shades are highly energy efficient. Further, these shades only require you to install the batteries and when they drain, you only have to replace them. For this, you do not need any technician. You can easily do it yourself. 

  • Energy Efficient

Battery-operated blinds are very energy efficient, primarily because they do not need any power source. This implies that its effect on the environment is minimum. Moreover, the battery of the shades lasts for quite a long time. Thus, it practically does not have any impact on your electricity bills either. 



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