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This bed bug FAQ will help you understand their typical behaviors if you genuinely want to eliminate bed bugs. One of the biggest reasons people struggle with dealing with these pests is that they are very secretive insects.

You will never know when you’ll see a bed bug, but they will leave traces in your home. If you try to catch them, they will run and hide you won’t be able to check quickly. Once you know how their behavior works, it makes it easier to catch them.

Hiring pest control also solves the problem immediately. When you know a pest infestation at your house, it’s advisable to call experts to eradicate the source. The longer you allow the infestation to stay, the harder it is to control later on.

Bed Bug Behavior

What do bed bugs do that make them difficult to catch? The most common thing people know about them is they hide during the day and feed at night. You can find them in clothing, beds, mattresses, and carpets.

Bed bugs will crawl no matter how far just to reach their hosts. They prey on sleeping humans by drinking blood and leaving bite marks that can swell or turn into lumps. These insects are attracted to moisture, heat, and carbon dioxide.

Their feeding habits take about three to four days. Pests will feed on humans from five to 15 minutes while the latter is asleep. They will start appearing again. If they see a host, they will bite.

What Causes Bed Bugs To Multiply?

Bed bugs can lay about one to seven eggs a day. Their gestation period is about 10 days until the eggs hatch. It can hatch about 200 to 500 eggs in a pest's lifetime. In six weeks, the pests reach adulthood.

Female bed bugs can multiply more when they have a stable food source. When left alone, an infestation can occur in about six months. You will face about 5,000 pests in one area, which is a lot to handle.

Bed bugs are often associated with dirty and unclean places. If you have a residential or commercial property that you don’t clean and maintain regularly, there’s a big chance that pests might begin infestations undetected.

Tracking Bed Bugs — How Do You Find Them?

Sometimes even if you have a clean home, bed bugs still find their way inside. That can happen when someone else brings the pests into the property. Pests can easily fit into tiny openings like bags, clothes, and more.

It’s harder to find where pests hide because they don't have nests like other pests. That means you can’t rely on looking for nests to eliminate pests. They have a variety of places to hide, such as box springs, headboards, and bed frames.

Bed bugs are flighty creatures, meaning they can scatter everywhere. They choose to go to more safe locations where you can’t find them. These pests don’t stay in one room and can spread into other rooms simultaneously.

Why Are Bed Bugs Hard To Find?

Finding bed bugs is extremely hard when you don't know their behaviors. They don’t behave like other insects, which might thwart your attempts to eliminate them. It’s essential to be at least familiar with their behavioral patterns to catch them efficiently.

1. They Hide in the Morning

Bed bugs feed at night, so you rarely find them in the morning. However, if you fail to find their hiding places, you can take advantage of finding them while the sun is still out. You need to be familiar with which locations the pests might hide in your house.

2. They Transfer From One Place to Another

A bed bug likes to move around, unlike other insects that tend to stay in one place. That’s why they can quickly spread from one place to another. These pests flee once you find them and thus begin another round of hiding and seek with pests.

3. They Can Hide in the Tiniest Cracks of Your Home

Another significant advantage of these pests is that they are small enough to fit in tiny cracks and openings. These pests have no problem hiding in places where you can’t reach them, and that is what makes finding them even more complicated.

What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

If you choose to get rid of bed bugs in the DIY way, there are some things you can do. Remember that a simple DIY solution might be ineffective for more extensive infestations. In any case, you have to call experts to help permanently exterminate pests in your location.

1. Cleaning Your Surroundings

Cleaning the areas where bed bugs might thrive is the best DIY solution you can start doing. Clean your kids’ rooms, guest rooms, or anywhere you have a mattress, carpet, or curtains that pests can use to hide.

If you own a hotel or hostel with many rooms, you might want to hire professional cleaners to maintain the areas regularly. It’s more challenging to clean a wide area and many rooms since pests can freely jump from one location to another.

2. Professional Treatments

Professional treatments can effectively get rid of bed bugs when done right. If you hire pest control services, they will have the equipment and experience applying these treatments in infected locations.

Since pest control services will prepare and apply these treatments, you won't have to worry. Most companies use eco-friendly treatments that are safe for people using the rooms but deadly to pests.

Do You Need Professional Pest Control Services?

Call pest control services immediately if you're already aware of the infestations in your home or commercial properties. Each that passes, more pests multiply in the location. Don’t wait for the infestation to blow to the point that they require harsher treatments.

You must keep the bed bug population down as much as you can. Pest control services have a high-efficiency rate regarding extermination results. That means you can trust professional services to do their job since they are already well-versed in bed bug FAQs and treatments.


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