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You may have heard of the phrase Most people don't plan to fail but many fail to plan. It's an interesting adage that could make us conclude that without a plan, we are less likely to be successful. It is a good piece of advice that applies to all areas of life, including poker. You may still be playing poker at your favorite card club, or on an online poker site, without a plan. I suggest that you consider the above advice and start planning 더원홀덤.

Some players rush to their favorite poker venue when they feel the urge to play. That's all their plan is. It's a plan if you say, “Hey I really want to play some poker “…” You would probably agree that this is not a very good plan. What is this nuts talking about? Why do I need to plan? I already know the rules of poker, so what's the point of a plan?

We'll discuss what would constitute a good plan that could work to your advantage. If you want to maximize your return on investment, the first thing that should come to mind is to only play your A games. It is important to plan ahead if you are serious about your poker session. You should not let emotions dictate your play. Plan your poker session by focusing on key elements that you are already familiar with. Then, plan to stick to your “checklist”. It is important to remember that knowing and doing are not the same.

A good poker strategy should also include tracking your opponent's skill level and playing style. You can do this by observing your opponents and looking for tells. It is important to be aware of your image so that you can anticipate your opponents reactions. These are not new ideas, but telling yourself that these are important elements of your plan will make you adhere to them. Most players who participate in home games do so for social reasons and to enjoy the camaraderie. They are not focused on making a profit. You can profit from this inattention. If you're one of those who just play for the banter, snacks, and the fun of it and don't care whether you win or loose a few coins in the realm… then that's fine too. If you want to make a consistent profit, then have a strategy!

Some players don't plan for a limit on their losses. Then they buy a stack of chips and sit down on a seat that has just been vacated. They reach for their wallets to fund another rack, or go to the nearest ATM to reload. If they are reloading because they're frustrated or desperate to get back at them, then they are letting emotion dictate their course of action. Remember your plan, and don't go on tilt is a part of it.

You should also be looking out for situations you can exploit. You should pay attention to situations such as being on the button with weak/tight blinds and being in a position to isolate players who come in regularly with marginal hand. Also, punishing early limpers with large raises is a good idea. Remember that good cards will come and go, but there are always situations to be exploited.

Understanding that knowledge and action are two different things is a major to success at poker. You should always have a plan in place before you start a session of poker. Planned action is proactive. Reacting is to just sit down and see if you get a good deal. Always be proactive and have a game plan. You don't want to lose money when you play poker, so plan ahead. May the flop always be on your side!