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Reaching Canada doesn’t put a full stop to your journey. It means that you need to work harder to become a resident and then a citizen of Canada. That will further allow you to take all the advantages of it. Being a citizen of Canada gives you the advantage to apply for a Canadian passport. A Canadian passport is ranked at a very position because it gives you easy access to visas in many countries. But the question arises that how will you become a citizen of Canada.

To become a citizen of Canada, you are required to-

·         Get permanent residency in Canada

·         Pay for the required taxes 

·         Stay in the country physically

·         Clear the Canadian citizenship test

·         Pass the language test

·         In the last 5 years, you have to be there for at least 1095 days. After you complete the requirement, you will become eligible for Canadian citizenship benefits.

canadian passport


Here are the top 5 benefits of a passport to Canada-

Voting is Your Right Now

After getting your citizenship, you automatically become a part of Canada which means you can participate in any type or level of voting. Your vote to choose a leader of the country will be considered and will give the required value. 

Travelling Freely Becomes a Part of Your Life

The passport of Canada is one of the strongest passports in the world. You can visit more than half of the countries in the world without waiting for visa approval. Canada has pretty good relations across the globe that benefits Canadian citizen.

canadian citizenship


You Don’t Need to Carry PR Card

Unlike a PR card, this doesn’t have to be renewed frequently and you will not require carrying it around. Moreover, you can avail more benefits than you got during PR. All the laws that are developed in the favour of citizens will be available for you too. 

You are Free to Live Anywhere

While planning to get citizenship, you are supposed to live in Canada for more than 1000 days. But when you get your citizenship certificate you can travel as much as you want and without any time restriction. Your trip needs not end quickly. Isn’t that the best benefit?

Your Kids will be Canadian

Your kids will automatically become Canadian even if they were not born in Canada. Being a Canadian citizen benefits not only you but also your family. They will get all the advantages from their birth that they got after years of hard work.

canadian citizenship benefits



Your efforts to come to Canada are worth it when you will look into the benefits that Canada and a Canadian passport provide you. Be consistent in your efforts and keep working for it. You will achieve it one day. Along with your constant efforts you need expert guidance and the right documentation procedure to move further with the application. For that, get in touch with SkyBeat Immigration for a better assessment of your application, our visa experts look into a file deeply and come up with the best solution.


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