More consumers are choosing to employ plant extracts, such as Citrus Balm, to help fight against various diseases. According to research, the plant includes substances that help destroy viruses and bacteria, including eugenol, terpenes, and rosmarinic acids. Particularly, research reveals that lemon balm has a high level of efficacy against the cold sore-causing herpes simplex virus (HSV).
A study on the therapeutic applications of lemon balm was released by the University of Maryland Medical Center. In a study of 116 persons with oral herpes cold sores, Dr. Steven Ehrlich observed that those who received a Citrus Balm cream to apply to their lips had an improvement in their symptoms after just two days. A German dermatology clinic reported using lemon balm as the main form of treatment for the herpes virus in a different trial, with no signs of recurrence. In addition, a recent 2017 study found that lemon balm has antibacterial properties against a variety of bacterial types, including the most prevalent pathogen, known as E. coli. According to this research, Citrus Balm antiviral and antibacterial qualities make it a highly efficient treatment for genital and oral herpes.
Antioxidants are vital compounds that prevent oxidation, which results in the generation of free radicals that harm cells. They are naturally present in many plant-based meals and herbs. Antioxidants are beneficial to us because they slow down or stop cell damage, to put it another way. Numerous studies have focused on lemon balm's antioxidant properties. According to one study that examined the anticancer effects of lemon balm, it has significant quantities of flavonoids, a group of chemical substances that comprise phenols that are potent antioxidants. An essay on the scientifically proven benefits of Citrus Balm was published by Iran's Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. It thoroughly examined the herb's antioxidant properties and provided evidence in favor of the prior assertion that the phenolic chemicals in Citrus Balm are primarily responsible for the herb's antioxidant activity.
Protects Skin
In an article that was published in the journal Dermatological Science, lemon balm extract was found to protect against UV deterioration. Skin cancer and other skin problems, including aging, are mostly brought on by UV radiation. Citrus Balm was also discovered to have “melanogenesis” qualities in the same study, which help to lessen unsightly sunspots (also known as aging spots). Lemon balm's potent antioxidant properties help to protect the skin.
Indigestion, which causes pain or discomfort in the upper belly, affects many people. It frequently indicates another ailment, such as GERD, gastritis, ulcers, or even irritable bowel syndrome. Herbs like chamomile, peppermint, and lemon balm have been demonstrated in studies to relieve indigestion. In one trial, 120 indigestion sufferers were chosen at random to receive either a herbal remedy containing lemon balm extract or a placebo. Those who consumed the herbal remedy claimed that their indigestion symptoms were less severe and improved. About 40 herbs, including lemon balm, have been given the go-ahead in France to be used safely as indigestion-relieving teas.
Lemon balm has anticancer qualities, according to a 2015 study that was published in an article. The objective of the investigation was the cancerous potential of human breast cancer cells. It demonstrated that because of its strong antioxidant capacity, cardioprotective impact, and anti-inflammatory qualities, it may improve cancer treatments. Currently, additional study is needed to determine how lemon balm affects cancer. Unless specifically recommended by a cancer physician, lemon balm should never be used to treat cancer.
Cognitive Capability
Some studies have suggested that Citrus Lip Balm has boosting benefits on cognition. Twenty individuals were given various amounts of lemon balm extract in a paper published in Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior. When participants took 600 mg of Citrus Lip Balm, the results demonstrated an increase in attention. In a more recent study published in the Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences in 2016, it is said that “clinical studies on lemon balm demonstrated beneficial benefits on cognition and the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.”
uses in cooking Lemon and mint combine in the flavor and aroma of lemon balm leaves. Due to its distinctive flavor, there are numerous culinary uses. Consider chopping up some lemon balm leaves and adding them to your preferred soup, salad, or meal with poultry. Fish and chicken dishes taste great when Citrus Lip Balm is included. Delicious desserts can also be topped with it.