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Dry needling therapy is a treatment alternative that's becoming increasingly popular in the field of physical therapy and sports medicine. This technique involves the insertion of thin needles into trigger points in the muscles to relieve pain and tension. Today’s blog post covers the benefits of dry needling therapy, and how it works! Let’s get started!

Benefits of Dry Needling Therapy

Dry needling therapy is an effective treatment for different conditions, like chronic pain, muscle spasms, and sports injuries. The therapy works to enhance blood flow, remove inflammation, and stimulate the body's natural healing processes. Along with it, dry needling therapy also helps dramatically enhance range of motion and flexibility in the affected areas.

This amazing therapy may be especially attractive for patients with sensitivity to pain medication; or for individuals whose pain levels have not become better even after several sessions of other physical therapies, rest, exercise, or surgery. Dry needling has rapidly found usage among patients with chronic conditions that have causes long-lasting pain.

Trigger Point Dry Needling

Trigger point dry needling is a special dry needling physical therapy that targets trigger points in the muscles. Trigger points are the tender areas of the muscle and may be associated with pain. In a trigger point dry needling session the therapist injects a needle right into the trigger point to release tension and relieve pain.

How Does Dry Needling Work?

Dry needling physical therapy works through the insertion of thin needles into the affected muscles to stimulate healing and relieve pain. These needles are very thin, like those used in acupuncture. As the needles are inserted, they activate the natural healing processes of the body through increased blood flow to the affected areas; in turn accelerating the release of endorphins, that are the natural pain relievers of the body.

Dry Needling vs Acupuncture

Dry needling therapy is usually likened to acupuncture since both techniques involve insertion of needles into the skin. However, the two treatments are different from one another. Where acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine, and endeavors to balance the body's energy; dry needling is based on Western medicine and focuses on relieving pain and tension in the muscles.

Side Effects of Dry Needling

Although dry needling physical therapy is quite safe, it's vital to be familiar with the potential side effects. Some people can experience a little bleeding or bruising at the site where the needle is inserted. In addition, there is a slight risk of infection or injury to the encompassing tissues.


Dry needling therapy is found to be a safe and effective treatment for a host of conditions. Regardless of that, if you are trying to handle chronic pain, muscle spasms, or sports injuries, dry needling therapy can provide the necessary support to alleviate your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life. To say in conclusion, if you're eager to try dry needling therapy, ensure to find a highly qualified and experienced therapist who can steer you through the process effortlessly.



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