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As we get older, the issue in terms of vision problems arises making it difficult for us to lead on with our lives starting with troubles on performing the simple tasks of everyday life. The vision change can be treated with steps to preserve your eyesight and improve your vision making it an easy way for you to stay safe and independent. 

What is laser eye surgery? 

Laser eye surgery is one of the most common methods used to treat the vision problems such as myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. The use of glasses and contacts can be eliminated after an individual undergoes an eye surgery procedure. 

Types of laser eye surgery There are three common laser eye procedures. PRK (Photo-Refractive Keratectomy), LASIK (Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis), LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) and Epi-Lasik. 

PRK: The procedure starts with the surgeon removing the outer layer of the cornea also called an epithelium with a blunt instrument or a surgical blade. The tiny amounts of tissue under the surface of the cornea are then vaporized by a laser beam guided by a computer. The procedure is done to reshape the cornea by removing enough tissues that can correct the vision. 

LASIK: Comparing to PRK, this surgical procedure is complicated. The inside layer of the cornea contains a calculated amount of tissue which is removed by a computer-guided laser. The procedure starts off by cutting a flap in the cornea with a laser or blade and lifting it with the same computer-guided laser. After the procedure, the flap is replaced and the eye heals more quickly than PRK. 

LASEK: This procedure is a variation of PRK and LASIK. The outer layer of the cornea is cut, uses alcohol to loosen and lift it in a single layer. The laser beam is then directed at the tissue under the epithelium (cornea) just like PRK. It is one of the most common procedures used to correct minor vision problems. 

Epi-LASIK: This procedure is a modified version of LASEK where the outer layer of the cornea is removed with a mechanical device using a blunt. 

Benefits of laser eye surgery for the elderly: 

Improved vision: The main issues of vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism can be avoided with eye surgery. The elderly who have undergone laser eye surgery procedures have found themselves with improved vision. 

Eliminate the use of glasses and contacts: The most benefit of getting laser eye surgery is the elimination of the usage of glasses and contacts post-surgery. 

Remain active: There are a couple of senior citizens who are more into being active with their age than just lying around all day like a vegetable. With the corrective vision procedure received, there is an open option for them to stay active. 

Safety: Even though the procured are complicated there is no lack of safety measures that will not be undertaken for the procedure. 

Minimized risk: The situation of post-surgery can include the prevention of any unwanted accidents or injuries that may arise because of vision loss. 

Tips for helping a vision-impaired senior citizen: In most countries, the aged or senior citizens contribute the majority in terms of vision loss. The so-called senior citizens get their health affected resulting in the loss of hearing, sense of smell etc. along with the issue of vision loss. Here are a few tips to help a vision-impaired senior citizen: 

Improved household organization: Practise the method of arranging the commonly used items to be organized in a way so that your loved ones can know where the things usually are. Use tactical systems like sandpaper cutouts on items to mark certain things, plastic dots etc and also visual systems such as large labels in size vary along with colourful stickers for better understanding of the things are placed. 

Provide moral support: Make your loved ones active with their lifestyle to avoid them closing up on their problems making it easy for us to know the things that trouble them. Be with them and assist them so they are not left alone and making sure they are comfortable and they participate in activities that can help them be confident. 

Take necessary steps to minimize the risk of falling: Use household items that avoid the chances for your loved ones to trip over making it another chance that affects their health. Make it easy for them to navigate safely by creating wide and clear pathways. Keep the surroundings well lit: Use specialized bulbs and lamps to increase the contrast and cover the reflective surfaces reducing the chances of glare. 

Get suggestions from a low vision specialist: These professionals are trained to provide everything according to the needs and wants of visually impaired individuals. These specialists have the knowledge and experience in training the visually impaired by methods of organizing, marking and labelling household items. 

The procedure is beneficial for the elderly as it can help them perform their everyday life along with making it beneficial for them to be independent. The common issues with eyesight can be improved with the help of laser eye surgery.


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