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 Let's not sugarcoat this. Having young children can play

papa's games cooking feel like a monumental task on most days.

It's not uncommon for classrooms to be a chaotic and time-consuming challenge to set up for.However, did you know that there are numerous teaching moments when you involve young children? Incorporating hands-on activities like cooking into the school day has many positive effects for students.

1. Measurement

What, if anything, can infants and young children gain from experimenting with food preparation (and making a huge mess)?

Let's take a look at why it might be worth turning off the TV once in a while and enticing your kids to join you in the kitchen.
Measurement is one of the foundational concepts in mathematics that young children need to master during the preschool and toddler years.Cooking is an activity that is filled with opportunities to learn how to measure.The process of measuring out the vegetable broth, oil, flour, rice, and other ingredients teaches kids about capacity and volume. The items are measured by weighing them on a scale.

2. Number Concept

One of the benefits of cooking with preschoolers and toddlers is that there are so many opportunities to practise counting and to develop their understanding of numbers.

Preschool and toddlers can benefit from counting and number sense development through the many hands-on experiences they gain while cooking.

For the best results when instructing young children in mathematics, it is best to provide them with opportunities to learn by doing.

Allow the children to help you count the ingredients, but have them point to each item as they say the number (called one-to-one correspondence).

If they have two of everything, it's easy to count out how many bowls they need, how many biscuits they've baked, or how many eggs they'll need.



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